I'll tell you what, I was blessed that the Morning Sickness Fairy passed me by with both of my pregnancies, but she nudged her twin sister, the Heart Burn Fairy, who gave me a double dose to make up for it. I quickly learned that there is no room in your home or office that couldn't benefit from a bottle or small roll of Tums! I was popping those suckers like they were TicTacs <g>.

Yeah, Lab, I'd say that analysis is spot on. It's funny how many people tell me that once you have two, three and four is no big deal. I beg to differ, and seeing as this isn't one of those situations you can "test drive," I'll just have to live my life believing those people are downright crazy. wink


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah