er...this is just the ones that come to mind, non exhaustive list, and I might be wrong with some, regarding the dates:

-François Mitterand (president), Edouard Balladur (Prime minister), Laurent Fabius (candidate for Prime minister) (France)
-Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Bob Dole, Georges Bush (USA. I would have put Ronald Reagan, but I think it's doesn't stand in your 'date fork')
-Margaret Tatcher, John Major (England)
-Valdemar Pawlak, prime minister (Poland)
- Aung San Suu Kyi, Opponent to Burmese militarian junta (Burma)
-Mary Robinson, president (Ireland, but i'm not sure about the date)
-Jose Maria Aznar, prime minister (Spain)
- Romano Prodi, prime minister (Italy)
-Boris Eltsine, president (Russia)
-Helmut Kohl, first Chancelier (Germany)
-Ion Iliescu, president (Romania)
-Yasser Arafat, leader of OLP (Palestine)
-Yitzhak Rabin& Shimon Peres prime Minister, both peace Nobel Prizes in 1994 (Israel)
-Kim Il sung and Kim jong Il, political leader and marshal, chief of state of DPR (Democratic People's Republic of North Corea)
-Deng Xiao Ping (China, not sure about the date)
-The Dalaï Lama.
-Pascal Lissouba, president of Congo (I know, I know. But I couldn't resist!)

Hope it helps, anyway... And that I didn't make too much mistakes.

Carole smile1

PS: show business? er...Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump), Bono, Dan Rather, Britney Spears, Celine Dion, the Spice Girls, Christina Aguilera, Mandy Moore (Girl Power time), Luciano Pavarotti. Oh, and there was this tv show named Lois&Clark, starring... I think it was Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain, but I'm not 100% sure. laugh