Well, first off, it's very nice indeed to open up a thread to discover that someone's reading one (or more) of your stories. smile1

Second, so far as I know, no-one's written this specific premise, although there have been many stories which have used just about all the different elements of your idea. I think there are quite a few stories where altClark finds altLois, but she's not how he imagined her, for whatever reason.

Personally, I'm probably all written-out so far as 'finding-altLois-and-fixing-her' stories are concerned. What does strike me about your premise is that if altLois is perfectly happy in her new life, altClark might face a dilemma as to whether he should even tell her she used to be someone else or not. I'd think he'd have to spend a lot of time getting to know her before he was able to make the right choice for her - and even that seems a little presumptious, doesn't it? What right has he, a total stranger, to make decisions about altLois's life? Actually, come to think of it, the working through of his dilemma would be the most interesting part to write - for me, at least. I'd probably stop at the point where he made his choice <eg>. That said, I've already written an altClark getting to know an amnesiac altLois before he tells her who she really is, so even that part wouldn't be entirely new territory for me.

But who knows? Story ideas are strange things - they mingle, divide and multiply in your subconscious, until one day they pop into your consciousness, fully formed and raring to go. laugh
