Finally a new story from SQD and Jenny!
you are dealing with a very difficult subject, but I do know you are able to do very skilfully: your stories prove it! wink
I can understand the difficulties you have had to tackle: I had a friend who died when she was only fourteen years old, but I was only a kid too, so in spite of the fact that I knew she had leukemia, I was taken by surprise by her death; I think I had an childish confidence that, because she was so young, she could not die. But only one year ago a friend of my brother died because of a rare version of cancer, and I saw the despair of his relatives, but also the great love of his parents, brothers and friends: for example his sister-in-law gave up her job (and I think neglected a little her own kids) to be near him and follow him and his parents during his many trips in Paris for his treatments, and studied that branch of medicine to question the many different opinions of so many doctors.
I look forward to see Clark's reaction to his illness in the long term, and his friends's too, and how this mess'll push things with Lois.

Simona smile