I don't know if that's what you are looking for, but in Ordinary People when Spencer Spencer didn't believe Clark that he was Superman, Clark attempted to light a candle with his heat vision to prove it. He didn't succeed, of course, and that was when Lois and him started talking through their teeth. Then that Irish guy rolled on the kryptonite and proved that he was Superman. By that point, Clark was trying to prove the opposite. goofy
Yes, no, maybe so. Boy, that was definite, wasn't it? smile I know the Trask one isn't what I'm thinking of but I may have to rewatch OP just to "see" it to be sure.

Diana Stride keeps coming to mind for some odd reason and I really don't know why. At least I think that's the name of the tabloid TV reporter woman played by Rachel Welsh. Anyway, I know she was trying to "track down" Superman, but didn't she at one point also try to make him use his powers in a certain way?

Or am I thinking of a completely different episode than hers? I have this nebulous impression of a scene where someone isn't actually testing him but is trying to see what his reaction is to something. I just can't pin down who or what it was.

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"