I personally found Mindy's bimbo act rather tiring though I guess in a way it worked because Mindy had everyone duped even her husband and stepson. Toni Taylor I found to be a good female villian because she was a combination of both brains and beauty and I will agree with you that perhaps Clark was a little duped by her too at least until he discovered what was really going on. I think that in regards to Mayson that Lois was being a little harsh on Clark especially when she says that Mayson is dirty because of her association with Bill Church given the fact that she herself was duped completely by Lex when all around her suspected that there was more to him than the philantropist he made himself out to be. I remember also that Clark was the one who pieced together Jack Olsen's involvement with the NIA after he discovered those hidden weapons and other evidence. I think that from the beginning that Clark suspected that there was more to Jack Olsen than the Civil Engineer he said he was. So perhaps if there was a female villian like Clark Kent I'd think he'd back off the moment he realised that there was more to her than met the eye.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller