Oh, I love it when authors whose fanfic I enjoy start asking questions like this. smile

I'm not worth my salt, either, CC, because I can't remember the title (titles are just not my thing).

And would it be safe to say that other than Perry and James and Lana, no one else really met our Lois during her brief stay in that dimension?
So far as this saltless fan can remember, you're right. Mind you, she went shopping for all that spandex, the boots, the dye and the ski suit, etc - that may well have entailed an interesting conversation or two with a shop assistant somewhere. wink

And would it be safe to assume that her visit there was but a day?
Um...so far as I can remember, yes.

And what exactly is James's job? Perry is running for mayor and James is pushing his campaign, but what is his job at the Planet...wait, a bell is ringing...is he the paper's owner?
Right again!

Other than Perry did anyone 'recognize' Lois from before?

(Eager to learn where all this is leading...)