Let's see-- You know the episode I'm talking about, right? Lois is sent to altClark, turns him into Superman and he is exposed right away by Tempus...what's that one called? I know any FoLC worth her salt ought to know it.

And would it be safe to say that other than Perry and James and Lana, no one else really met our Lois during her brief stay in that dimension?

And would it be safe to assume that her visit there was but a day?

And what exactly is James's job? Perry is running for mayor and James is pushing his campaign, but what is his job at the Planet...wait, a bell is ringing...is he the paper's owner?

Other than Perry did anyone 'recognize' Lois from before?

I think that's it. Thank you to anyone who replies!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
