Hazel, You said:

And does anyone want to take a few paras of their own work and try to condense it as an exercise here in this folder?
Well, after giggling quite a bit, I finally managed to condense the following passage from Super Stud from

She said nothing as they ascended the steps to his apartment. She watched silently as he removed his key and opened the door for her to step through. Once inside, she turned towards him - preparing to speak. However, before she could, his arms reached for her. All her resolve suddenly melted away. She felt completely powerless to stop him as he gently pulled her to him - finding her lips with his.

She moaned softly into his mouth before her arms slipped around his neck. Just one kiss. One real, uninhibited kiss. Surely she could have that. She tightened her arms, pulling herself securely into his embrace. It felt so right being held by him this way, so incredible being kissed by him. His taste, his smell, the feel of his body pressed up against hers, the soft noises coming from the back of his throat, all of it combined to feed her senses - pushing her beyond her mind’s ability to listen to reason.

She had to stop this. She had to stop this now. Her hands found their way into his hair as he began backing her further into the room. Trusting him completely, she allowed him to guide her backwards down the steps into his apartment. Contact was lost and regained again and again as they dispensed with their footwear, including the short socks Lois had elected to wear instead of nylons, and slowly navigated the course towards the couch. Her hands gently cupped his face as she changed their kissing pattern into a series of kisses.
To this:

Lois and Clark kissed passionately.
Of course, I could have condensed it a bit more by taking out the word 'passionately.' But I thought it was important to retain some of the feeling of the section laugh

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist blush )

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane