roo: as i understand it, the request is to have authors hold off posting fic during kerth season, so that those who are busy reading and reviewing stories in preperation for nominations and voting won't fall behind in reading new fic.

cris: there don't seem to be that many stories being posted these days. some, yes, but a fair sight fewer than normal. i think a lot of authors are busy with kerth reading, too.

still, as one of the authors who does have an active WIP, i'll say that yes, i have been considering a break in posting. not sure if i'll do it, but if a decent chunk of potential readers are too busy reviewing stories for the kerths to read new things, i might well pause the story.

i've got the next part of my story written (it's being BRed), and i'm hoping to post on schedule. my current story involves a fair amount of reader participation. so, if the comments folder is small and the number of voters is down, i'll probably post a poll at the end of this week asking if i should pause the story until after kerth voting closes or if i should keep posting.

i'm a bit worried about the people who are too busy to even come check the boards. there's no way i can really include them in the poll.

if enough people seem to be reading now, though, then i'll keep going. sorry you won't be able to participate, but hopefully you'll be able to catch up on your reading after voting closes.

speaking as a reader, i personally don't think i'd like a 3 month period without new fic, even though i am really behind in my reading.

anyone else care to weigh in?


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.