Do you mean criminal like in "serial killers" or like in "financial crimes", "White collar crimes" or "cybercriminality"?

'cause Nick Leeson's name, this english broker who brought down the Barings bank, immediatly popped in mind, closely followed by Lucy Edwards, Bank of New-York's former senior vice-president, who pled guilty to a variety of federal charges (money laundering and fraud included). For business men, think recent financial scandals like Enron, Worldcom... or VU.

For WCC, all the protagonists of pollution or firms that put citizen's lives at example would be the one described in the movie: Erin Brokovitch.

For cybercriminality (reduced to hacking, which is 45% of it), I instantly thought Kevin Mitnick. But Karen's proposition is appealing laugh .

Hope that helps a bit,

Carole smile1