Beverly, I'm glad that you are submitting your "Sanctuary" classic to the Nfic Achieves. So many new generation L&C fanfic lovers will enjoy it. It's still one of my all time favorites.
Okay, the word "classic" gives me pause, but I understand the sentiment and thanks. wink

Where are you hiding your NEBS Series? I've searched your site a several times to see if you had any new episodes written but, I can't even find any references to your fanfic writing at all. Do you have it hiding somewhere else now? Inquiring minds want to know!
It's hiding on my hard drive at the moment. laugh

No really. About two years ago, real life got to be such a pain that I wasn't even sure if I was going to continue keeping the site online so I cut it back to the bare essentials, which meant book comments mostly. Besides, I realized that all my completed fan fictions were on the archive so having them also on the site seem redundant.

As to NEBS specifically, along about that same time was when I decided that it wasn't a series but a single story that I wanted, no, needed to finish before posting period so that's why its current form is in hiding. smile

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"