My second question is in regards to a Fanfic Challenge catagory. Is this a possibility? There are so many great fanfic challenge stories that don't quite fit into any other catagory. Just a thought.
Lynn, there is a category in the Alt-Kerths for challenge stories. And challenges that got a lot of responses, like the Plot Untwist last year, or the haircut challenge get there own categories.

I just remembered that new Folc's have just learned about the Kerths, so the concept of Alt-Kerths might be completely new to you. For more information you can check out the site, http://www.geocities.com/alt_kerths/index.html .

That's all I can tell you as a member of the AK-Comm. The KComm can probably explain their POV better. smile


I tawt I taw a puddy cat!