Are you sure you've been reading all the stories here? <g>

Seriously, though, I've thought that we've had a bunch of great comedies posted in the last several months. Do you read the challenge folder, by any chance? There have been some real gems there. And I know there have been comedies posted to the MB that haven't made it to the Archive yet -- as I found that out last night when I started to organize my Kerth nominations and found that some of my comedy noms couldn't be found on the Archive at all, darn it!

Last year we had some fantastic comedies posted, too ... I know that I thought last year's Comedy category on the Kerth ballot was incredibly tough. That was before this board came into existance, but I had thought that most of those stories had been posted to Zoomway's message board.

But certainly the Archive is a great place to get them all. Luckily, most stories -- comedies or otherwise -- end up there. smile

There are a lot of funny stories in the archive but I don't see any here. Don't those authors write any more?
Well, it's certainly possible that your favorite comedy authors aren't writing anymore ... have you tried emailing them to ask them? If they haven't written a story in years, then they likely have dropped out of the fandom but who knows, maybe you could pursuade them to come back and write for us all to enjoy. smile

But I do have to point out that if those authors aren't writing anymore, it's not just these boards that aren't going to see their work posted ... they aren't going to send to the Archive, either.

Oh, but if you do look elsewhere and find there's a place where a bunch of L&C fans have been posting laugh-out-loud stories that aren't being posted here or to the Archive, please be sure to come back and fill us in! I know there are lots of fans who would love to read their work and maybe even pursuade them to Archive it! smile
