I'm trying to remember if we've seen Superman stick around after a rescue to sign autographs.

The only cases that stick in my mind are the backstory reference in "Chip Off The Old Clark", where Superman hung out with the passengers of a plane that he saved (thus allowing Leanne to have a photo of the two of them smiling together) and in "UltraWoman" where Lois signs a few autographs on the street and the little girl gives her a picture she drew for her. Clark doesn't seem surprised that Lois is willing to do this, and I think he might even comment on how nice it is to get to do it sometimes, so that makes me think he has done it before.

I guess what I'm trying to figure out is whether it would be strange for him to either stick around for a little while, or on the flip side, specifically leave in order to avoid it, if people start rushing up to him with paper and pens in hand.
