Greetings, all,

I am still in semi-shock over hearing of this loss. I knew Rhen fairly well "back in the day", from the #loiscla IRC channel and the list -- She was unfailingly warm, wonderful, helpful, creative, funny, and patient. I never knew her to lose her temper, even under some of the extreme provocation that some drop-in "trolls" caused on-channel in #loiscla. Without her support, the fandom would never have been what it was, with her patient, effective efforts to run the original fiction archives, and her helpfulness with newbies to the fandom.

This is an extremely great loss, imo, and I give the sincerest condolences to her family, and assurances that she not only gave out a lot of warmth, that she received a lot of people who think of her just as warmly.

I'll miss you, Hon.

Peace, love, and growth find us, and Rhen's family, always,
