I've just received the sad news that Rhen Brink, the woman who started the distribution of L&C fanfic in the early days of FoLCdom, has passed away.

Newer fans might not recognize the name, but Rhen started up the first email distribution list for fanfic, and helped run both the majordomo mailing list (where the stories were first stored) and the first incarnation of the L&C Fanfic Archive. Rhen retired from L&C fanfic in 1997 to spend more time with her family; this is when I took over the Archive from her. She hadn't been active in FoLCdom for some time, but I know that she had at least stayed interested on the perimeter -- I was able to meet her in person in 1999, when a group of Chicago-area fans got together to see Teri in Cabaret.

I believe Rhen was somewhere between 35 and 40 because her two children were just a few years older than my oldest; this makes the loss that much more tragic. Perhaps someone who knew her better than I did might be able to provide some more details.

My heart goes out to her family in their time of loss.
