Hi, Kimberly, and welcome to the boards! smile

Sara's link is to Zoomway's marvelous website. Be warned: once you go there, you'll be stuck there for hours. goofy If you don't want to risk that, here's the direct link to the excellent episode guides.

I just wanted to reassure you on one thing, though: don't worry that you haven't seen all the eps! I wrote five, count 'em, five wink fanfics before I actually saw a single ep of the show. And considering that three of them were nominated for the Kerths (check this link and scroll down a bit for the Kerths links, but only if you have LOTS of time laugh ), I must not have done too badly. goofy

Since you've written fanfics already, you don't need to warned about the dangers of FDK. But I will caution you that we are very generous suppliers over here. laugh

Welcome, and post your story soon!


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827