This seems like an appropriate place to make an apology re: New Heights.

RL has been hectic. Business has been a bit *too* good, which I'm not complaining about, but I've barely had a moment to call my own. Actually, I haven't had a moment to call my own.

Feeling stressed, harried, and worn out to the bone, is not conducive to writing, unfortunately. I don't even have any ideas rattling around in my brain at the moment. frown

It will be a bit longer for the next installment of New Heights, but the story will be finished eventually.

off to help Kathleen finish packing for her week camping with her class, then off to do the payroll, and then off to do laundry so she actually has clothes to wear tomorrow, then off to do some prep-work for the next wholesale order to prepare for tomorrow....

Sleep, who needs it??

I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.