Just a general comment:

Not every BR relationship is a match made in heaven.

Personally, I've gone through several BRs over the years in the different types of fanfic I've writeen, as well as BRed for several different people. You don't have to consider yourself married, shackled, til-death-do-you-part to whoever you're working with. It may end up that the person who BRed for you for one story just didn't work out as well as you'd like, so maybe you'll find someone else next time. Some people are just better matches for each other than others, and you shouldn't try and force it if you really have serious clashes with your BR/writer. I've dropped out of BRing a story before, and there were *absolutely* no hard feelings...it became a very relationship-driven story (not L&C), and those just aren't my forte. But always remember to keep looking...there is someone out there for everyone!

Jen goofy

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy