smile Thank you so much for reading, Irene, Sara and Ursie! blush It's so flattering to hear nice things said about my work from writers I really admire!

Irene: I agree! You made me realize that when I write, the likeability of the characters never cross my mind. I get so concerned with putting the story and the message out there that I completely neglect the reader's feelings. Which is what makes betas/other people reading over my work so valuable, I now know. And don't worry about sounding harsh; I don't really believe in 141 commenting. I mean, how else is an inexperienced writer like me supposed to improve if I don't know what I could improve on? So thank you very much for reading and your fdk! smile I'll get better at this; just watch! wink

Ursie: Thank you so much! blush For the time being, this will only make it to a high school stage (if my teacher likes it, that is), but who knows what'll happen later? I really hope it turns out well...if it'll be used at all. One major theatrical flaw is that it doesn't have a lot of movement in it. The audience really has to pay attention to the lines because the characters basically sit through the whole thing, so it's not very visually stimulating. But if this pans out, I'll e-mail you the pictures of it! smile And how's the second baby story coming along?

Sara: Thank you!!! laugh To tell you the truth, even I never considered how much the check would be would definitely last her for the rest of her life and then some. Just imagine, say, Donald Trump or Bill Gates or a Walton leaving a woman... But no matter, because the fact of the matter is, she'd never have any of it because she really loved him. :p Thanks for reading!

I already submitted this in to my teacher - he said he got it but so far, he hasn't said anything about using I don't really know what's going to happen to it.

Anyhow, thank you again! And I may be coming up with a new script shortly; I was just struck by a bolt of lightning! Keep your eyes open!

Mirage smile

Clark: You're really high maintenance, aren't you?

Lois: Yes, but I'm worth it!