I wasn't paying attention, and you nice people have been reading and commenting in Original Fic!

Thank you, all of you, for even bothering. And, too, for your good words. Such a nice push to keep going.

I'm *supposed* to be writing an actual play for my local little theater, it's due in September. I promised it ages ago when September felt far away. Now that it's August, I've been frantically searching the attic for Timmy-- I mean, *my* muse. (Sorry, Paul, but if you can spare Timmy, I need him.)

And instead of the play that has been suggested rather strongly, this is what keeps popping up. I have hopes that if I get it down, I'll exorcise it, and then get back to our regularly scheduled premise.

Thank you so much TeeJ, Lynn, Liz, Emily, and Paul. I can't tell you how glad I am that you took the time.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
