Well, I've never experienced life as a 30-something woman, but I'm definitely enjoying reading about it. laugh

You've done a great job characterizing Carrey and bringing her to life. It's been fun watching her so far. I just wish there was more to see. Part 1 was a decent size, but part 2 was pretty short.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of this, when it's ready.

I'm not quite sure what to say about the other characters. The story so far is Carrey's. Rachel is, as yet, a more or less incidental player. Leo, at this point, is basically a 2-dimensional screen onto which Carrey is projecting. That works, if the point here is to watch Carrey, but it might also be interesting to learn more about the others. It could be entertaining to watch Carrey as Leo becomes more developed, perhaps not quite matching up to her expectations. OTOH, it could be just as fun to leave Leo as he is and to watch Carrey trip over herself.

I'm interested to see which direction you choose, but I'm pretty sure I'll be happy either way. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.