I can hardly express how excited I am that this ficathon was such success. 16 new stories as of now! Thank you all so much for embracing it so wholeheartedly.

The ficathon may be 'officially' over, but all that means is that I won't be automatically updating the story list. For those of you who are still working on your prompts, or those of you who may want to write for another prompt in the future, please don't hesitate! Shoot me a PM and I'll update the post with your story.

On a final note - it's fall! Back to school, hayrides, all sorts of fun. Luckily for all you authors with plot bunnies of the autumnal variety, Deadly Chakram started a new ficathon for the new season. Go on, sign up. You know you want to... wink

lisa in the sky with diamonds