We discussed the possibility of a summer ficathon/challenge here , and there seemed to be a fair amount of interest. So let's go for it!

Let me say first that the main point of this exercise is to (A) inspire authors and (B) provide new fic to read. With that in mind, the following are more guidelines than rules. I won't be using pointy sticks on anyone.

Guideline the First: The theme is Summer.

Guideline the Second: If you wish to write one or more fics for this event, choose from the 50 prompts below and reply to this thread with your choice. One prompt per story.

The prompt does not have to be taken literally. It's just a jumping off point. (If you want to see a an example of a fic that was based on a one-word prompt, look here .)

Guideline the Third: Fics should be posted before September 1. Use (Summer Ficathon) after your title and mention which prompt you used in the author's notes.

Guideline the Fourth: Have Fun!

1. let freedom ring
2. blue skies - claimed by Mouserocks - story here
3. summer camp - claimed by KenJ - story here
4. water fight - claimed by VirginiaR
5. here comes the sun - claimed by Felar
6. last day of school
7. heat wave
8. festival
9. down by the sea
10. summertime blues - claimed by Lynn S. M. - story here
11. discovery - claimed by Deadly Chakram - story here
12. the best days of my life
13. apple pie
14. summer nights
15. fresh cut grass
16. fireflies - claimed by bakasi
17. bikini - claimed by Deadly Chakram - story here
18. the best game
19. ice cream cone - claimed by stopquitdont - story here
20. independence - claimed by Lynn S. M. - story here
21. hurricane - claimed by KenJ - story here
22. popsicle
23. one fine day
24. that summer seemed to last forever
25. butterfly - claimed by Alisha Knight
26. ants at a picnic - claimed by Morgana - story here
27. barbeque
28. dog days
29. stealing second - claimed by Mouserocks - story here
30. first love - claimed by KenJ - story here
31. the art of fireworks - claimed by VirginiaR - story here
32. high tide - claimed by Sue S.
33. the only rules that matter - claimed by Darth Michael
34. corn on the cob - claimed by Lonnie - story here
35. singing my song
36. waterfall - claimed by Christina
37. happy ending
38. burn - claimed by HappyGirl - story here
39. play ball
40. watermelon
41. grain of sand - claimed by Female Hawk
42. lemonade - claimed by Deadly Chakram - story here
43. distant thunder - claimed by Amberlea
44. once in a lifetime
45. strawberry wine
46. rerun - claimed by Lynn S. M. - story here
47. heartbeat
48. no regrets
49. key lime pie
50. classic

I will periodically edit this post to indicate what prompts have been claimed and to link to the posted stories.

I'm looking forward to seeing some fun new stories!

lisa in the sky with diamonds