Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Christina:
[b] I don't remember Lois saying anything about the Congo assignment (did she go? they never mentioned in "Tempus Anyone?")
If it wasn't there, maybe in Lois and Clarks, someone mentions something about it being a gun-running story in the Congo. (I think it was Lois, because I got the impression that she went and came back from the Congo, unlike alt-Lois). [/b]
That is the story Claude stole from Lois.

Here is a quote from The Pilot part two
When I first started at the Daily Planet. Claude -- he was French -- he had this accent...(beat) I guess I must have been in love. Or thought I was. I was only twenty-one, working on my first big scoop: this perfectly ordinary middle-age couple -- gun runners.

One night, I told him about it and when I woke up the next morning he was gone. So was my story. He won an award for it. Didn't even thank me for my... input.
Which sparked the only tale I have in the archive. Hindsight
