Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Framework4 Memory problems - 01/04/12 02:48 AM
The following got me thinking,
Originally posted by shimauma:
Rule #28 - be careful with her skull. She may seem thickheaded sometimes, but a bump on the noggin will make her forget the best guy in the universe is her boyfriend...twice... razz
How about a tale where BOTH Lois and Clark lose their memory at the same time?

Picture first season L&C during nightfall. Superman was completely successful but no one knew it until the last huge chunk everyone thought was going destroy all life on the planet bounced off the atmosphere like a billiard ball.

A hundred thousand small chunks impacted various places causing countless problems but no major catastrophes. Lex Luthor however is in his underground shelter unaware that above most all is well. And with the Boss missing his criminal enterprises are coming apart.

Lois and Clark have both lost their memory and have been placed in Deter's care by Perry and Henderson. Assume the Kents have not been able to travel to Metropolis.

The memory-less L&C have to stop Deter and his allies, mop up Luthor's criminal enterprises, and stop Intergang.

All they know is
A: they are partners
B: they are investigative reporters
C: there is something different about Clark, which Lois believes should be kept secret.
D: there is a bond between them.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Memory problems - 01/04/12 04:48 AM
That's quite a challenge.

My story On Plot Reuse is a tongue-in-cheek story outline that almost answers the part about L&C both having memory loss. But the loss is sequential, not simultaneous.

Posted By: Morgana Re: Memory problems - 02/01/12 06:59 PM
I could not even BEGIN to write such as epic. Has anyone mentioned giving it a try?
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Memory problems - 02/01/12 07:29 PM
I joked on my Lunkheaded Loser Loophole Challenge about what would have happened it Clark accidently mind wiped Lois before he took off to take care of Nightfall. So, when he returned both he and Lois had amnesia.

Your story idea sounds intreguing. Lots of good angsty drama (or comedy).

The memory-less L&C have to stop Deter and his allies, mop up Luthor's criminal enterprises, and stop Intergang.
Wouldn't they also have to find Superman to save Earth from Nightfall 2?
Posted By: Framework4 Re: Memory problems - 02/02/12 07:37 AM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Wouldn't they also have to find Superman to save Earth from Nightfall 2?
No. Notice in the original post
Superman was completely successful but no one knew it until the last huge chunk everyone thought was going destroy all life on the planet bounced off the atmosphere like a billiard ball.
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Memory problems - 02/02/12 08:51 AM
Sorry, missed that part. I need to start reading slower. :p
Posted By: dcarson Re: Memory problems - 02/03/12 12:15 PM
How about earlier. They cross paths in the Congo, drama and explosions ensue. A chunk of kryptonite is involved somehow so you end up with both having no memories and no one around who know who they are.
Posted By: Christina Re: Memory problems - 02/03/12 04:23 PM
Originally posted by dcarson:
How about earlier. They cross paths in the Congo, drama and explosions ensue. A chunk of kryptonite is involved somehow so you end up with both having no memories and no one around who know who they are.
Oooohh... You know that's an intriguing one and could potentially be semo-canonical as I don't remember Lois saying anything about the Congo assignment (did she go? they never mentioned in "Tempus Anyone?")
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Memory problems - 02/03/12 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Christina:
I don't remember Lois saying anything about the Congo assignment (did she go? they never mentioned in "Tempus Anyone?")
If it wasn't there, maybe in Lois and Clarks, someone mentions something about it being a gun-running story in the Congo. (I think it was Lois, because I got the impression that she went and came back from the Congo, unlike alt-Lois).
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Memory problems - 02/03/12 04:40 PM
From "Tempus Anyone?":
White talks about you all the time,
Miss Lane. Said you disappeared in
the Congo.

Congo. The... gun running story,
three years ago. Yes.
(to Wells)
I did. For a while. But --

We hired an army to go over and
look for you. Never did find...
well, you. What happened?

What happened is... I'm fine.
Obviously. Thanks to my friend
here. Mr. Wells.
And from "Lois and Clarks":
I know.
(a beat)
Look, about that 'chemistry thing'
you mentioned... Just like it's
easy to confuse you and Clark... I
think _you_ have me confused with
_her_. Your Lois. And those
feelings are meant for her.

But you see, I never met her. She
was lost on an assignment in the

(as they go)
I've been meaning to ask you... She
was lost in the Congo, before you
two even met?
Yeah. It's so strange, missing
someone you never even met. And
now finding her is impossible.

My boy....
(glances back at Lois
with a twinkle)
I never say 'impossible.'
Does that jog *your* memory? wink

Posted By: Framework4 Re: Memory problems - 02/05/12 01:03 AM
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Christina:
[b] I don't remember Lois saying anything about the Congo assignment (did she go? they never mentioned in "Tempus Anyone?")
If it wasn't there, maybe in Lois and Clarks, someone mentions something about it being a gun-running story in the Congo. (I think it was Lois, because I got the impression that she went and came back from the Congo, unlike alt-Lois). [/b]
That is the story Claude stole from Lois.

Here is a quote from The Pilot part two
When I first started at the Daily Planet. Claude -- he was French -- he had this accent...(beat) I guess I must have been in love. Or thought I was. I was only twenty-one, working on my first big scoop: this perfectly ordinary middle-age couple -- gun runners.

One night, I told him about it and when I woke up the next morning he was gone. So was my story. He won an award for it. Didn't even thank me for my... input.
Which sparked the only tale I have in the archive. Hindsight
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: Memory problems - 02/05/12 02:01 AM
Originally posted by Framework4:
Which sparked the only tale I have in the archive. Hindsight
Chills! Framework4, that's what you just gave me from reading your vignette. Chills! How am I supposed to sleep now?
Posted By: Christina Re: Memory problems - 02/05/12 10:04 AM
Originally posted by Framework4:
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Christina:
[b] I don't remember Lois saying anything about the Congo assignment (did she go? they never mentioned in "Tempus Anyone?")
If it wasn't there, maybe in Lois and Clarks, someone mentions something about it being a gun-running story in the Congo. (I think it was Lois, because I got the impression that she went and came back from the Congo, unlike alt-Lois). [/b]
That is the story Claude stole from Lois.

Here is a quote from The Pilot part two
When I first started at the Daily Planet. Claude -- he was French -- he had this accent...(beat) I guess I must have been in love. Or thought I was. I was only twenty-one, working on my first big scoop: this perfectly ordinary middle-age couple -- gun runners.

One night, I told him about it and when I woke up the next morning he was gone. So was my story. He won an award for it. Didn't even thank me for my... input.
Which sparked the only tale I have in the archive. Hindsight [/b]
Whoa. Wow. I had never even noticed that little mention of the gun-running story in the Pilot. to think it all swings back to her hang-ups about professional relationships.

I do find it worrisome that Claude was able to make it back and Lois didn't though. I wonder how and why that happened.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Memory problems - 02/05/12 10:23 AM
Patrick, I agree with Virginia. Your vignette was chilling. I had never put Lois' throwaway pilot line together with what we learned later. But in my mind, your story has become part of canon.

Well done.

Posted By: dcarson Re: Memory problems - 02/05/12 05:55 PM
I can easily see Claude not digging anywhere near a far as Lois would.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Memory problems - 02/05/12 06:15 PM
Just read Hindsight! Yikes! That was fantastically chilling! clap
Posted By: Framework4 Re: Memory problems - 02/05/12 07:40 PM
Thanks smile
Posted By: Framework4 Re: Memory problems - 05/23/14 09:53 AM
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