Over in the Polls folder, there's a bit of discussion going on about what it would take to motivate a bit more... action, shall we say. And I just remembered another challenge which went down very well in my other fandom. It's called the First Lines Challenge. Basic principle: people post sentences - could be lines of dialogue, could be narrative - and other people write stories using one of those lines as the first line of their story.

So, if LabRat posted "Fancy seeing you here!" Tempus said to Lex Luthor, then I could write a story with that as the opening line. Could be humour, could be serious, could be angsty, could be complete and total crack.

I'll kick things off with a few lines, then.

1. "What do you mean, we're fraternal twins?"

2. A terrifying wail went up as, with an ominous crack, the bridge finally collapsed and fell into the river.

3. "Jimmy, are you wearing a bra?"

4. "How long have you known you could fly?"


Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*