Okay, so during an other-wise blissful LnC DVD perusing session, I found myself watching the episode where (shudder) Mayson Drake is introduced, and it made me very angry.

I can understand Clark thinking Lois is shallow when she ignores him in favor of the super-powered version of him. I get that.

But then he falls for Mayson, who
1. Hates Superman -- and bear in mind,
A. Clark is genetically Kryptonian, with all that entails
B. *Clark* is the one who became Superman because he needs to help people. This is Clark's unstoppable goodytwoshoesness being expressed.

Now, speaking of shallow, it became apparent that Mayson had fallen for Clark because
1. He's good looking, and
2. His "bravery", because she thinks he's an ordinary mortal who's defying death by testifying. *HE'S BULLETPROOF!* grumble

And Clark. Falls for her. Like. A. Moron. whinging

Okay, I know that Mayson did not win in the end, and that Lois and Clark wound up together, la-dee-da. Yay, cheers, and hoopla. But still, this episode made me very angry, and I need a remedy.

Please, somebody, give me a remedy! peep

Well, anyway...I need a fixfic. Anyone care to oblige? grovel
