Originally posted by Dandello:
for them to know there was a bomb-shelter or an underground exit
An implosion such as above could crush any underground bomb shelter and underground exit.

Or at least bury it very, very deep. Add some lead to the mix and perhaps they were buried so deep and the lead kept Superman from seeing them.

But for more fun it could be pointed out to Superman by the EMS folks that there is no hidden underground exits, no bomb shelter.

Later it could turn out that Lex's underground ark is hidden under there. When Lois and Clark are found it could become a tourist attraction with regular tours.

I'd rather just have them call Perry and say Hi, we were never in the implosion. We're in Hawaii as in
The Newlywed Game By Nan Smith

I'm sure there is a way to bring them back but the whole point is to place Lois Lane in a place where
  • She has found out Clark is Superman
  • Her career is gone
  • Her family and almost everyone she cares about are hurt and mourning her death
  • To get it all back all she has to do is expose Clark, hey she might even win an award for that story.

Of course someone still needs to figure out who killed Lois & Clark.

Dandello, your Henderson already knows so he would be the logical one to work with Lois & Clark on their little problems.
