Well, I loosely belong to an astronomy society here in Sweden, and one of the members is a sprightly Norwegain woman in her seventies, Tora Greve. Tora is a one-of-a-kind amazing personality who, among other things, travels to each and every solar eclipse event all over the globe. A few years ago she went by freighter aircraft to Antarctica to see the solar eclipse there!

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Tora Greve and some friends. These two gentlemen accompanied her to Antarctica.

Tora is also the chairperson of the Malmö UFO Club. Tora is, in spite of her eccentricities, a person with a very serious scientific approach to the entire UFO business. What she does as the chairperson of the Malmö UFO Club is primarily that she looks into reports about sightings. What was the time and date of the sighting? From what location was it made? Where in the sky was the object seen? How did it move?

Tora generally manages to find natural explanations for about 95% of the sightings. In most cases the objects people have observed are just airplanes. Sometimes people have been flummoxed by the sight of planet Venus. I once saw Venus myself on an occasion when it looked absolutely spectacular, after a long spell of persistently cloudy weather, and after months when Venus had not been visible at all because it had been too close to the sun. The next day my local paper wrote that dozens of people had called the newspaper to report the sighting of a stunningly bright but very slow-moving UFO! (And the day after that, the newspaper confirmed that all these people had in fact seen planet Venus....)

As for Area 51, I have to admit I don't know anything about that. But I do know about the Roswell incident. What happened there, in 1946 or '47, was that some local people found the wreckage of an extremely strange-looking aircraft which, to boot, had some totally weird-looking dead passengers inside. The next day all traces of the wreckage had been removed, and the military denied that any sort of crash had happened at all. Later they backtracked and admitted that something had crashed, but they claimed that it was just a weather balloon. The whole incident gave rise to the conspiracy theory which claims that the Earth is really being visited by aliens, but the government, for whatever reason, hushes the whole thing up.

Here is Tora Greve's verdict on the Roswell incident. According to her, it was an experimental military aircraft, possibly saucer-shaped, that crashed. There were life-size dolls inside, the kind that are put in cars which are made to crash, and which are used to determine the effects such a crash would have on the human body. The reason the military tried to hush the Roswell incident up was because the aircraft that had crashed really was a secret military prototype. End of story, but not of the conspiracy theory!

Anyway, I just thought I would post a picture
of a little green man. Hey, Mr. Three-Eyes!

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Oh, and... let's have a sort of Harry Potter, too. Mr. Four-Eyes. Isn't he cute? And look, he's a bit green! Now I know... all those people who think they've seen a UFO have really seen Harry flying on his broom!

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And just because I'm going overboard posting images here... can't we have a picture of an honest-to-God Superman sighting? laugh

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