Very interesting, Barbara.

Oooh, Dandello. I like Weapons. Yes, words are a powerful thing.

Nice, Catherine. Also nice, Jo-Jo.

The Lex take was interesting.


Now, I need to explain my drabble or you will all think I’ve lost my mind. The idea comes from A New Hero. These are the words of a maniacal serial killer who liked to kill women with long hair. Superman got in his way and he tried to kill him, too.


A plan. I have a plan. Kill her. Kill them all. Whoosh... Red. Blue. No! Ruined plans. How dare the Man of Steel - god - save her? Kill him. With kryptonite. I know that it is deadly to god - to Superman.

There *he* is. I raise the gun. I shoot him. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. He thought the bullets would bounce off. I smile. Blood. Everywhere. No more interference. Death. He will die.

People run. To god. To help god. No!! I frown. He will live. No matter. I turn. I leave. Must find *her*.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~