I just realized next week is SPRING BREAK! I've been working all morning on those assignments that I've been putting off grading [midterms are due Monday EEP!] and contemplated rewarding myself for finishing a set of assignments or something but letting myself write the first scene [which I have half written in my head already] but I'm afraid if I do that I won't get back to grading papers. So, when I finish grading and get midterms turned in... then I have NOTHING to do as far as schoolwork goes for a whole week!!!! [Well, they turn assignments in on Sat since break doesn't technically start till Monday that I probably should grade, but you know smile ].


ETA: I wrote that earlier right before the boards went down for maintanence - I have about half a page written because I finished grading a set of assignments smile . Now I'll have to do the other 4 sets of assignments...