Mostly boring a-plot stuff?? No!

Love the original take on Clark v Luthor. Especially this:

And, because he had no idea how Lois felt about Luthor, he wanted to get in first, to ensure that she wouldn’t even consider the man as a possible romantic interest. That was the real purpose of this conversation, regardless of the fact that he wanted Luthor brought to justice: he was making a pre-emptive strike, attacking Luthor before the man could make a move on Lois.
A really smart Clark Kent. I like that. Or rather, smart where Luthor is concerned...

And the dialogue, Wendy! So nice of you. Flowed so well, felt I was at the table with them.

Now, of course they are meant to be together and their 'just friends' waxing on is a bunch of hoo-ha. But as the story unfolds I'll look forward to seeing how you bring them around.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
