So far in Strange Revelations, Clark has faced a rampaging Elvis (a green Elvis) and he sort of faced the Smurfs - but really, how problematic can they be? He's been faced with a Captain Kirk who is enamored with Lois and an angry Scotty (Clark stole his kilt).

He's faced down steam rollers threatening to destroy the world to make an intergalactic highway. (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.)

Just when he thought there was no more Elvis to contend with now he's got a Pink Polka Dotted Piggy Elvis who thinks he is Kermit the Frog to deal with.

An ornery puppy, a hurricane, a desperate housewife and Borg are yet to come!! Oh, and lest I forget - LabRat.


~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~