Badfic is hard in itself (*good* badfic, that is), but when you're trying to fit it all in one sentence it becomes even more difficult.

Thankees to CC for allowing me to (ab)use her fic like that.


It was a dark and stormy night, which accounted for the state of drenchedness of Lois and the alley cat, who were cramped on the small stoop outside Clark's door and fighting for some personal space, as Lois was trying to force the lock (Clark wasn't there, of course, because if he were he would have heard the noise and opened the door) so that she could get in, find Superman's globe and be able to learn more about it and the flying super-hero, and get a little dry, while she was at it, but the cat was making everything more difficult, first because it wouldn't let her pick the lock in peace, and second because it wanted to get dry too, and it was only fate that Lois didn't manage to keep it outside once she opened the door, thus operating as the catalyst in an amusing CK=S revelation.


See ya,
AnnaBtG. laugh

What we've got here is failure to communicate...