Keep it one sentence long, but that sentence can be as long as you like.
Here are my two submissions, one relatively short, the other longer:

I. Little did Clark Kent suspect, as he placed his classified ad in the Daily Planet that fateful morning, that the inadvertent omission of a single letter would result in the untimely demise of his fledgling Supper Man Catering Service, and consequently the beginning of our story.

II. Lex Luthor laughed as he held out the small piece of crystal, atomic number 36, CAS Registry ID 7439-90-9, whose face-centered cubic structure is common to all rare gases in the solid state, and which, although normally colorless is characterized by its brilliant green and orange spectral lines, the effects of which we won't dwell on at the moment, except to note that in 1960 it was internationally agreed that the fundamental unit length, the metre, should be defined as 1 m = 1,650,763.73 wavelengths (in vacuo) of the orange-red line of Kr-33, and to further note that Superman was currently writhing in pain on the penthouse floor.

- Vicki (who hastens to add that entry #2 is not, technically, an original sentence, since a large portion of it is copied almost verbatum from a webpage about the Periodic Table .)

edited to correct the atomic number! laugh

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster