Well, Erica, who is me by the way, (/me points a finger to herself and waves with the other hand), after reading Paul's attempt to make a narration with just one sentence, wanted to try the same thing and give this challenge a try because she, who is always very afraid of how people will react to her shitty things, knows that bad English is a trademark, almost a fingerprint she should say, on her stories which doesn't mean that they are not readable, at least people say they are, but somehow her BRs, who are very nice people who tell her that she needs to re-work her stuff all the time because they seem awkward to native speakers, also say that her stories, even the famous sunday-posted ones that she calls MTLVs, micro little-tiny-vignettes, which are her especiality around these boards, are good ones, but not many people read them because they don't have the time, and they never have time for her stuff she wonders why, or because they are busy writing their own stuff, which are very good by the way, but somehow are so difficult for her to understand that she has to read them with a dictionary, not really only one but three dictionaries opened,-- (Collins, Oxford, and the other one she forgot the name and has to go and check... ah okay... Michaellis), just to get half of the words she doesn't know not because she is stupid, illiterate, dumb or anything like that, but only because she has never been to any country that speaks the language, which is English by the way, so she has to read, write, and speak using her very limited foreign vocabulary, which sucks if you ask her opinion, but of course you didn't ask her that because if you did, she would say she is just joking and that she knows that she is improving each day because of her great friends around who support her even when she thinks about giving up due to real life problems and for personal reasons as well, which means that, no matter what, she will try to improve and write more each day because she knows people support her here, and for which she is truly very greatful and that's why she tried to respond to this challenge though she is not sure if she succeeded or not... maybe she didn't, but she hopes she will receive some feedback so she will know if people understood what she wanted to say or if she will need a BR to translate all this booky English into colloquial English.

MDL. Trying to breathe here. Phew!!! goofy

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."