Good point, Paul, about the Writer #1/Writer #2/etc. idea. That would cause confusion if one writer submitted more than one story.

Hmmm. smirk

I kind of wanted to avoid people e-mailing me answers, not so much because of the work involved (I don't mind it at all) but more because I thought it would be a kick to see people's guesses.

What if we did this - and this is by no means written in stone so we can reject this idea. What if, after all of the stories are submitted, I post a list of contributors. For example, I would say - "There are 20 stories, written by the following people: Lynn, CC, Wendy, Tank, Paul, etc. Some people may have written more than one story."

Then people can guess - I'll do what Paul suggested and keep all of the writers as Writer X.

As for writers submitting guesses, I suppose we could have the writers e-mail their answers to me, to be posted after the contest has officially ended by before the big reveal, so we can all get a glimpse at their guesses as well.

Would that solve some of these problems? I'm open to suggestions.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah