Hmm. So you're going to number the writers? How does that work with the "one story in your own style, one 'decoy' story" theory? You'd have the "decoy" story tacked on to the same writer number, right? Kind of seems to defeat the purpose.

When you first said "Writer X," I assumed that would be what you would post for each writer. Then, people can guess story by story. Makes it a little trickier if you have two or more stories by the same title, but that can be worked out.

As for writers guessing, if, as in your example, Tank "guessed" himself, that'd be a dead giveaway, wouldn't it? Anyone reading the thread to check other guesses would know right off the bat. "Oh well. There goes my guess. I was sure it was Kae trying to fool us..."

Not sure what else to suggest, though. If there are enough stories, then guessing just a few (and conveniently not guessing about your own stories) might work. Would it be too evil to deliberately guess wrong for your own stories?

Or would it be better, as Anna suggested, just to have guesses emailed to someone (doesn't have to be you, Lynn. I'd be willing to handle that, if you'd rather not have the extra work), and then have that someone post all the guesses on a certain day?

Then again, we could use the polls, since that's anonymous. Make a list of all the participating authors (and maybe a few extras, just for fun) and then have people vote for who wrote what.

Just tossing out ideas. It's your thing, Lynn. Sounds like it'll be really fun, however you work it from here. Great idea. smile I'm looking forward to seeing what people come up with.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.