LOL Wanda!

Okay, here's another; this one's a challenge to myself. goofy


The bullet struck. He staggered. Clasped his hand to his chest. Fell.

Lois’s scream reverberated in his ears. He couldn’t look at her, couldn’t comfort her - he could only...


She stared. Gasped. Sobbed. Pain gripped her heart and choked, refusing to let go.



How...? Why...?

She turned on Barrow. “Murderer!” One kick, and the gun flew from his hand.

The crowd dispersed. The gangsters fled. She was left alone - with Clark.

Clark’s dead body.

On her knees, she cried, her tears soaking his face.

His hand gripped hers. “I’m alive.” And he opened his shirt.

Wendy wink

Just a fly-by! *waves*