We passed by a business tonight that caught our fancy--a salon by the name of CK Nails.

Needless to say, it got us started on a hilarious conversation.

I don't know if a challenge like this has been done already, but I would love to see our fave
superhero in some unlikly professions.

Some ideas we passed around tonight:

Clark in a beauty salon.
-- "Here let me put a hot towel on your face. I'll be right back."
-- "Oh, honey, you've got to soak those nails for a LONG TIME. I'll be right back."
-- "That hair is a real hazard. Let me go get something to clean that up."

Clark as a day care worker.
-- "I better take Timmy to the bathroom. It's a real emergency."
-- "Oh, I think we need more wipes, I'll get right on that."

Clark as a cab driver. (Although, that would be a great occupation for Lois. "I charge double
if you make me wait.")

Clark as an airline pilot.
-- "I know a great short cut, I've flown thru here before."

Clark as a magician (You should see his disappearing act!)

Clark as a fast-food server.
-- "Hmm, I think we could use some more toilet paper in the bathrooms."

Clark as a trial lawyer (Yes, I know, it's been done...)
-- "Your Honor, I'd like to request a short recess to confer with my colleague."

I'd like to challenge any of you to successfully (or unsuccessfully) place our hero in any of these situations.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!