Just a story update. I keep forgetting what's happened in it. <g>

The story so far:

--version 1--
Lois Lane drove her jeep over the steep cliff. SPLAT!

--version 2--
Lois Lane drove her jeep past The Daily Planet building, directly into Suicide Slum. There was Bobby Bigmouth eating a burrito with slaw and a pizza on the other hand.

"No extra capsicums!!! Lois, you really should have that THING checked out. You never know how much you need capsicums," Bobby said as he watched her staring at her watch, wondering how long it would be until Clark came to bring more food for Bobby.

At that moment, far above the city, there was a "whoosh!" and a sonic boom.
A few seconds later, Clark showed up holding a bag of Swiss chocolates causing Lois to grab the bag and reach inside. She then found what appeared to be ten pounds of swiss cheese, she tossed the bag to Bobby who eagarly ate more cheese along with the swiss chocolate.

"Now tell me, Bobby, what did you want to see us about?" Lois asked curiously.

"Well, it's kinda complicated, but I heard Intergang want your goldfish dead before tomorrow or they will kill the ficus."

"Nuts", said Clark. "Whatta ficus!"

"No! Not my goldfish!" Lois gasped.

"Your choice," said Bobby, munching cheese, hungrily eyeing the goldfish.

"They wouldn't really kill the ficus, would they? I mean..."

"Lois, You kill the ficus every time you don't water it.”

Seeing Lois’ look, Clark turned back to Bobby. “Why would they want my fish?”

“Must be a delicacy in South Africa or something. But maybe they were hungry for goldfish stew,” Bobby muttered, mouth watering.

Clark decided to change the subject. “Bobby if you keep eating all that food, you’re going to get sick.”

“Nah I’m not,” Bobby replied.

“Speak for yourself, Bobby,” Lois grumbled as she gave him a photo of a thug. “Do you know this man?”

“Yeah, he’s the illegitimate son of Lex Luthor. But what would Max Deter want with a goldfish and a dead ficus? Be realistic! What he wants is to kill you both!”

“Lois, I don’t like the way this conversation is headed,” Clark said. “Maybe we should go back to the Planet and water your plant.” Lois giggled and said she thought that he was right.

“How about your place instead?”

Clark was pleasantly surprised. “But I thought you were planning on getting a haircut.”

“Are you nuts? No way. You know what I go and do every Tuesday at the crack of dawn. Well I need to do it. You’re right, Clark, let’s go!”

“Oh no!” cried Clark. “Not until we have an answer as to why Max Deter ran over that elephant with your jeep, Lois. He is absolutely the most abhorrent man I know, and that’s not a joke. He’s really extremely like Dan Scardino who...

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy