Good instalment.

I'm not that surprised that Lois is fairly trusting of Clark. She's been hiding out as 'Linda', but she hasn't been cut off from news of the rest of the world, so she knows about 'Superman'. If you can't trust Superman, who can you trust.

The thing with Clark and the emails was clever except for the fact that the Jimmy Olsen of the Superman mythos is actually spelled with an 'e'. I'm just chalking this up to the fact that this is a alt universe.

True to Lois Lane's, she's her own worst enemy. We all know that her insistance that she can take care of herself will get her into trouble.

Don't remember if Luthor was ever mentioned in this alt universe, but it sure seems like him on the phone.

Tank (who hopes that the ridiculous hair of Lois can be dealth with soon)