congrats on finishing the story, anna! dance

some nice bonding in this part between lois and julianna and earl and clark. fun scenes, and well done.

hope earl picks up on clark's comment rather than trying to downplay it. i'd hate to see denzler get to julianna.

as for denzler, it's interesting that he has a magnum. not exactly the weapon of choice for quietly picking someone off. still, i can't help but hope that he fires it off at an inopportune moment, the powerful kickback causing him to stumble backwards, trip over some surveilance equipment, and fall out a high window. then he can come back as a junkyard dog and be much happier.

anyway, great job. smile here's looking forward to the penultimate part and a patented superman nick-of-time rescue. he will rescue them, right? cuz that's what he does. we wouldn't want some kind of weird and evil TE, would we?

p.s. of random nerdy note: when i realized this was going to be post #196, the number nagged at the back of my head for a bit, oddly familiar. suddenly, i realized what it was... 196 kelvin is the boiling point of nitrogen. duh. how could i have forgotten? blush just thought i'd share that.

EDIT: ack! just realized. nitrogen boils at 77 kelvin, which is -196 degrees celcius! bad paul! gonna get yourself stripped of that "nerd pride" pocket protector...

p.p.s. i've really got to stop posting at 3am...

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.