Paul's comment is interesting, because my reaction was completely the opposite. No, I didn't think of the NKers, but I did smile at the thought of how much trust Superman has engendered among the people of the world. Here's a guy dressed all in black, complete with ski mask -- and instead of reacting with fear or wariness, the people simply take his word for it that he's there to help. Because of Superman. smile

Hooray for Bill, Nan! And great to see that he knows how to use his authority as a cop to take on the authority of a superhero. And he certainly knows how to cooperate with the locals, considering how much experience he has with it from the other direction! goofy

I'll wait as patiently as I can for the next part, Nan, but give us MORE soon!


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827