clap Great job, Queen! I love the implied slap stick qualities of Clark being a whacked out druggy, needing his three friends to control him. Although, with his reaction I'm wondering if this was more a candidate for the Super Bizarro Extra Credit Kryptonite Challenge . Clearly, he must have been exposed to more than one variety of the stuff. laugh

He certainly couldn't tell what in the world went on from his friends descriptions. The question is how in the world did he get home from the Doze Motel? Did Jimmy, Cat, and Lois take him home BEFORE getting him the well needed shower after his dumpster dive or AFTER? He isn't going to be called "Smallville" around the office after that.

From Perry's scene, yeah, it has me guessing. Does Perry know the truth? Or like the others, did the Chief just think Clark didn't want his naked picture on the front cover of the DP?

notworthy Once again, your story leaves us wanting more (in a good way). That and a nice ache in our side from the belly laugh.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.