Ummm...very descriptive answer, Virginia. So...I take it you're enjoying the story? peep

I didn't envision the Spartan boy when I wrote that metaphor, Vicki, but it does apply, doesn't it? And I love how you said that about Clark hearing something that SHOULD give him hope and reading sadness into it instead -- because really, without Clark Kent, that's what happens to him. Posting tonight -- doesn't count as early, but at least it's here, right?

The loss of the Daily Planet is really hard on Clark, Morgana! I've read lots of things that focus on how it affected Lois -- and loved them -- but I wanted to show how much it affected Clark too, to lose the one place where he'd felt accepted and whole as a human.

That line was actually helped along by my beta, Lynn, so thank her for that one -- I think I had 'perfume touched the air' and 'the coffee still sat, cold and untouched,' so she helpfully pointed that out, and I had to rewrite it a bit. Very glad I did now too! laugh It's such a compliment to hear that it's hard to leave the story -- thank you!

Lois does have a knack for pulling off the impossible, Iolanthe! I sure hope she can do it again!

Thanks, everyone! I really enjoy hearing all your thoughts and reactions!