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Re: 50 Book Challenge 2024/What I've Read in 2024 scifiJoan 06/15/24 05:24 AM
#42 The Future by Naomi Alderman

Assistants to powerful tech people decide to manipulate the future.
33 3,958 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Falling For a Farm Boy (8/16) BlindPassenger 06/14/24 08:49 PM
This was quite the informative chapter. So, Jack is (likely) Lois' half-brother. OK, I totally did *not* see that coming. Cool twist and makes a lot of sense as a "distraction" for her. Also, would not be surprised if something like that happened to Sam. His and Ellen's relationship really is a mess.
Whether Lois' Jack and the farm Jack are the same or not...hmm, that remains to be seen. There is solid arguments why they are not identical but you never know, I assume. Wel, we might find out.
And we also learn some more about er reasons for leaving. So someone betrayed her with stuff for an article/decepted her over a long time and Perry wouldn't print it. Lex? And the one who abused her trust could be Claude? Hrmm...I get a feel like Perry might take her back if she asks though. Seems mor elike she had a number of bad things happen around the same time and she left, and actually wasn't "forced". the whole destruction of her carreer might also be more of an own mental observation (as in she got cheated/decepted on a story) than an actual pulib carreer crash since Perry didn't rpint the article in queestion but that imght hurt as much anyway.
Yeah, lots of interesting stuff to explore here.
Also, there's Lana who may or may not involved in a relationship with Clark...
As for their realizations: It seems as if Clark has fully accepted he has it hard for Lois, while Lois herself, has not come that far yet. Which, admittedly, could be due to her having so many other things to juggle in her mind right now...
Anyway, looking forward to the next one.
5 208 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Love Potion Lynn S. M. 06/14/24 07:54 PM
Wow. Poor Clark. I’m glad he’s following his instincts not to proceed, as much as his other instincts are telling him to do just that.

You managed to make this about as steamy as it can get on this side of the boards.

Well done.

Hmmm… No hiccups even now, and he seems like he might be slightly under the influence of the perfume. Has his body started to recover from the first red and green K exposure? Or is he perhaps not yet fully recovered from his most recent exposure?
8 586 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Neither Wand Nor Broomstick Lynn S. M. 06/13/24 08:50 PM
I suspect this Clark will be in even more awkward a situation than the Clark in PML had been. Poor fellow.

Another good installment in this series.
10 723 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Falling For a Farm Boy (7/16) Morgana 06/13/24 07:25 PM
Edited to add - also glad the medical details were not too much. I thought about giving a warning, but the farm kids across the road deal with these details from the time they're very young, so left it out. I'm trying to show the realities of farm life, and these things happen and need to be dealt with.

You have described a pleasant morning on the farm with gentle clarity. I really enjoyed reading about leaving the lemonade in the stream to cool. Oh! That brought back many sweet memories. Hmmm, what are Lois and Clark having for lunch? Corrina, so much of this has been taken from experience and we are the richer for it.

My husband was raised on a farm and we used to spend days like this when we were courting. Animals get injured in many ways, if the farmer called the local Vet for every scrap or wound nothing would ever get done. Usually for my in-laws that happened only when there was a difficult calving. Farmers, as you are no doubt aware learn to do as much as possible without outside help.
6 224 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Falling For a Farm Boy (6/16) Female Hawk 06/13/24 04:58 AM
bakas My thinking is that Martha and Clark have been caught in a rut. It's now time to start moving on a little, but Martha does know how to do it. The arrival of Lois instigated some much-needed change.
Songbird I don't mind at all that you're hoping Lois will choose farm life. That would be my decision - but then I'm not a top investigative reporter.
Andreia Re how long this will play out - This story is 16 chapters, which will get us to a sort of conclusion. The second story will get the final conclusion.
Nick Re Anton Guerra. Some may remember that my muse is called Goo after a favourite footballer called Brent Guerra. Yes, I did know it means war. Anton's name is a nod to Goo, the muse. And maybe there will be a little bit of war in there too.

Thanks so much for the feedback. It is much appreciated.

5 247 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Falling For a Farm Boy (4/16) Female Hawk 06/13/24 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Morgana
Also, why is Martha so different from the character we all know and love? There is sadness there and that can only be because her husband is not around.

You answered your own question, Morgana! Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
6 319 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Falling For a Farm Boy (8/16) Female Hawk 06/12/24 10:17 PM
Clark considered the gash. “Five or six.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Cut the thread. His leg is tied pretty tight, but don’t let your hands get between him and the bars. You don’t want to be crushed,” he said, knowing he would not allow that to happen.


Clark threaded the needle, muttered a few calming words to the steer and began to stitch.

Chapter 8

Lois watched as Clark steadily and competently stitched the gash on the steer’s leg. He spoke gently to the animal when it became restless and was always conscious of the position of her hands and arms. Once, when the steer kicked, Clark grasped the leg and stopped it from reaching her hand.

Her appreciation of his strength rose another notch.

When the final stitch was tied off and cut, Clark stood up and said, “Pretty neat job.”

“We make a good team,” Lois said.

He smiled at that. “Thanks for your help.”

He sprayed the whole area with blue antiseptic spray, untied the steer’s leg, and quickly removed the bars in front of the animal. It took a couple more mouthfuls of the hay and then sauntered away.

“Did you buy these steers?” Lois asked.

“No, they were born here last year.”

“You have others?”

“Yes, we have a herd of beef cows. They are in the far east field with this year’s calves.”

“Are we going to put these ones back in the field now?” Lois asked.

“I’ll just look them over,” he said. “If there are any other issues, we should deal with them while we’re here.”

Clark checked out the steers, moving easily among them, while Lois checked out Clark.

Looking back, she wasn’t sure she’d given as much as a passing thought to farmers. If she had, it was to assume they were boring, countrified, and dull. Backwards even.

Clark Kent was none of those things. He was intelligent, articulate, and thoughtful, with a well-developed sense of responsibility. He loved his mom dearly and had made sacrifices to try to help her through her grief, while dealing with the loss of his father.

He was some man.

He had dreamed of being a reporter for The Daily Planet.

Just as he had predicted, he had shocked her with that information.

She now owed him… something. He hadn’t mentioned it again. Lois wondered if he’d thought about it, if he had something in mind that he was going to ask of her.

His reluctance to use the ATV had set him apart from almost every other man she’d known. He had seemed genuinely concerned that she be comfortable – not only physically but with the necessary closeness required in sharing the not-overly-large seat.

His abdomen had been lean and muscular under her arms. His shoulders were broad. His back was hard with undulating plains of muscle. And his biceps… well, they were out and out spectacular.

The caring nature, the gentleness with the animals, the work ethic, the knowledge and capability, the strength of character, the terrific smile, the toned body… it was an enticing combination.

Why wasn’t he married? Did he have a girlfriend? Why hadn’t the local women noticed him right under their noses?

Who was Lana? The fragments of conversation Lois had heard in the café… had they been talking about this Clark?

Because, in the six days she’d known Clark, he’d given not one indication that he was interested in any particular woman. No mention of her name. No phone calls. No visits. And when Lois had asked Martha if Bess were Clark’s wife, Martha hadn’t said Clark had a girlfriend.

She hadn’t said Clark didn’t have a girlfriend either.

Maybe Lana was away.

But they could still call each other.

Had he spent any time thinking about her, Lois? He must have questions about why she’d been upset, why she’d been looking for Jack Mackenzie, and what had led her to rural Kansas. He must wonder, but he’d demanded nothing from her. No explanations, no answers.

Less than a week after deciding she would never again trust another man, Lois was close to trusting Clark Kent.

Not with her heart, obviously.

But perhaps there was no need for secrecy.

Of course, the information about Jack Mackenzie had to be handled carefully. There was a level of control in being the only person who knew something. As soon as anyone else knew, Lois would lose control over decisions about what and how and when and if Jack was told of their connection.

“They all look great.”

Lois jumped as Clark’s voice cut through her thoughts. She felt a splash of heat spread across her cheeks. “Ah, that’s good,” she said, looking at the steers to avoid facing Clark directly.

“We can open the gates and let them out.”

Once the steers were back in their field, Lois and Clark packed away the medical gear. As they returned to the ATV, Lois pointed to where, about fifty yards away, eight tall poles reached up from a level patch of ground. “What are they for?” she asked.

Clark looked in the direction she pointed. “That’s a project I started with Dad,” he said.

There was sorrow in his voice, and she rested her hand on his back, just above his belt. “Sorry, Clark.”

He gave her a half smile. “Nothing to be sorry about,” he said. “Dad and I had talked about a barn out here for years. Instead of carting hay to the barn near the house, then carting it back out here to feed stock during winter, we could store it here.”

“Great idea,” Lois said, conscious of her hand still on his back.

“We had a great season three years ago. Good rain exactly when we needed it, fantastic pasture growth, high cattle prices. We used the extra income to buy the materials for the barn.”

The poles seemed a stark and lonesome reminder of an earlier time. A happier time. “I’m so sorry, Clark.”

His hand lifted, paused, and landed lightly on her shoulder. “We got the poles in and were hoping to get it done before last winter.” With a pat to her shoulder, he turned towards the ATV, and her hand dropped away from his body.

“Were you hoping to finish it this year?” Lois asked as she fell into step beside him. "With Jack's help?"

He shrugged. “There’s always next year.”

They reached the ATV and clambered on. They rode through the Irigs’ property and arrived back at the creek where they had left their lunch.

“It’s a little early,” Clark said, glancing at his watch. “But shall we stop here and eat?”

“Yes! This is such a beautiful spot.”

He smiled at her enthusiasm. “Shade or sunshine?”

“Sunshine,” Lois said, taking off her jacket.

Clark took the picnic blanket from the top of the basket and spread it out on the leafy grass under the sunny side of the oak tree. Lois unpacked the rest of the basket while Clark went to the creek to retrieve the bottles of lemonade.

Then he positioned the ATV along the edge of the blanket. When Lois shot him a questioning look, he grinned, which was kind of what she’d been hoping for.

“Back rest,” he explained.

“Good idea,” she said.

They sat on the blanket, Clark leaning against the front wheel, Lois against the back, with the basket between them. Clark opened the lemonades and handed her one.

“Thanks,” she said.

They each took a sandwich, and under the canopy of golden leaves, the picnic began.


They ate mostly in silence, surrendering to the peaceful mood wrought by the warming sunshine, the balmy breeze, and the good food.

And the great company.

Clark had been surreptitiously watching Lois. She had put her hand on his back. Physically, it had been a light touch, but it had seemed imbued with something… understanding, perhaps. Concern? Maybe. Affection? Possibly.


Did she feel ready to answer even one of the questions bustling inside his head?

Do you still want to see Jack?

Is the position at The Daily Planet vacant because you left?

When are you going back to Metropolis?

Who hurt you so badly you needed to stop driving to cry?

Are you still hurting?

How can I help?

Is there any chance you could fall in love with a simple farmer from Kansas?

He couldn’t imagine asking her any of those questions. And the last… well, just thinking about that sent his heart into overdrive and caused his stomach to become a tangle of nerves.

“Are you pleased with how things went this morning?” Lois asked.

“Yes. The steer should heal well. The rest of them are looking great.” He glanced across to her. “Was treating the steer too gory for you?”

“No,” she said. “It was fascinating. You’ve obviously done it before.”

“A few times."

“Did your father teach you?”


She reached for some grapes but paused. “I appreciate you teaching me so much about your life.”

“You’re a great student. Very observant. Eager to learn.”

“Does it hurt you? Teaching me?”

“No,” he said. “Why would it?”

“Because your father taught you and teaching me must bring back memories.”

“It does,” he admitted. “But they’re good memories.”

“I will never forget my time here,” Lois said. “And I’ll always be grateful for the kindness you and Martha have shown me.”

That sounded like a lead-in to the announcement of her departure. Clark held his breath, waiting for the words that would destroy his flimsy and unrealistic hopes.

“I have a question for you, Farm Boy."

Clark released his breath and grasped the presented opportunity. “I have one for you, too, City Girl.”

She grinned at that. “OK,” she said easily. “Here's your question. What is the hardest thing about farming?”

Clark chewed for a few moments, considering Lois’s question. “Do you mean the hardest? Or the most difficult?”

“Is there a difference?”

“Is the hardest to do with what is outside my control? And the most difficult to do with making decisions that are within my control?”

Lois considered that. “Maybe.”

“The hardest would be losing something.”

“Like an animal?”

Clark nodded. “That’s always tough. But losing a crop is disappointing, too.”

“And the most difficult?”

“Choosing which animals stay, which leave. Making decisions about animal welfare. Choosing the right time to euthanise an old or very sick animal.”

“Have you ever had to sell an animal you really liked?”

Clark nodded as he took a few grapes from the bunch. “What is the hardest thing about being an investigative journalist?”

“Is that your question?” she asked, tossing him a playful smile.

“It can be,” he hedged, annoyed with himself for wasting the chance to get at least one of his questions asked.

“Hardest?” Lois said. “Getting scooped. Most difficult? Knowing who you can trust.”

Something in her tone made him wonder if her trusting someone had caused the distress that had somehow led to her search for Jack and brought her into his life.

The thought of someone hurting her was unbearable. But without that pain, he might never have met her. He shuffled away from the ATV wheel and turned so he was facing her. “Lois? Do you mind if I ask another question?”


“You said there was a vacancy at The Daily Planet.”

“There is. Are you interested?”

“No. But I’m wondering if the vacancy was your position.”

She hesitated, but only for a moment. “Yes. It was.”

The sense of loss cast shadows over her words. “I’m sorry, Lois.”

She shrugged. “I made mistakes.”

“Did those mistakes involve trusting someone?”

She winced and fixed her gaze on the blanket.

“I’m sorry,” Clark said quickly. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“Yes,” she said. “I trusted someone. I believed him. I wrote a story based on his claims. But he was lying to me. He was using me to protect his criminal activities.”

Clark longed to touch her. To hold her. To soothe away her distress. “Aw, Lois, I’m so sorry.”

She looked up, facing him directly. “Perry demanded evidence for what I wrote. I told him I had a rock-solid source. I told him that if he didn’t publish, I would leave.”

“Did he publish?”


“You left?”

Dark memories churned through her expression. “Yes,” she said. “But not because of Perry. I left because…”

Clark had never wanted to hold someone as much as he wanted to hold Lois now. He inched a little closer and hung his forearm over his bended knee with his fingers dangling just a few inches from her shoulder.

She didn’t back away. “I was so easily misled,” she said. “I no longer have any confidence in my ability to be a reporter.”

“It was one mistake, Lois. It could happen to anyone.”

“It was a huge mistake. If Perry had published, The Daily Planet would have been facing defamation cases for years. It would have destroyed a fine paper.”

“Have you spoken to Perry since you left Metropolis?”


“Do you think you should?” he asked gently.


He stretched his hand enough to lay a touch to her shoulder. “Lois, I’ve read your work. You’re a talented, brilliant reporter.” He paused, batting down his own longings, knowing he had to continue. “You have to call Perry. You have to know if he wants you back.”

“Even if he did…” She glanced up into his face. “I’m not sure what I want anymore.”

“You’ll work it out.” He deepened his connection on her shoulder, adding another finger. “Perry is probably worried about you.”

She nodded slightly. “I’ll think about calling him.”

“Use the phone in the kitchen,” he said.

“Thanks.” She reached forward to take an apple from the basket, breaking their connection. She rubbed it on her jeans, but then paused as if she'd been caught up in thoughts of another place and time.

“I’m sorry,” Clark said. “I didn’t mean to pry.”

She met his eyes. She smiled sadly. “One day soon, I’m going to have to make some decisions,” she said. “I’ll have to go back and face the consequences of my mistakes.”

“You know you’re welcome to stay as long as you want,” he said.

“I was so lucky to stop at your gate,” she said. “You and your mother… you’ve given me exactly what I needed, even though I didn’t believe anything could help.”

“Do you still want to see Jack?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

“I was thinking… Is it possible he hasn’t returned because he’s looking for you?”

“No,” she said quickly. Then she appeared to reconsider. “I don’t think he knows I exist.”

“Jack doesn’t know you?” Clark gasped, as a significant number of his imagined scenarios dissolved. “So… it’s a story you’re chasing?”

She shook her head. “No story.” She hauled in a long, slightly shuddery breath. “I guess I owe you an explanation.”

Clark looked directly into her eyes. “You don’t owe me one single thing,” he said. “Certainly, you shouldn’t feel you have to tell me anything you don’t want to tell me.” His gaze dropped, wanting to diffuse his intensity. “But if you’d like to talk about it, I would like to listen. Talking about it might make it easier to work out what you want to do.”

“I think Jack Mackenzie is the result of one of my father’s affairs.”

“Your brother?” he gasped.

She nodded.

“Aw, Lois,” he said, wanting so desperately to buffer the disappointment he was about to deliver. “I don’t think you’ve got the right Jack Mackenzie.”

“Why not?”

“Jack’s Australian. He comes from a dairy farm in Victoria – a farm he works with his parents.”

There was shock on her face. Perhaps disappointment, too. She gave a cold, grim chuckle. “I got that wrong, too.”

He couldn’t help himself. Clark slid his hand to her neck and gathered her closer against his body. “I’m sorry,” he murmured into her hair.

She stayed within his embrace for a couple more breaths, then settled back against the wheel. She was staring at the horizon as she said, “I guess I should have opened up about Jack a lot earlier.”

Clark shook his head. “No,” he said firmly. “If you’d known, you might have left that first day.”

She turned to him then and smiled softly. “And I would have missed out on canning tomatoes and sewing up steers and all sorts of other farm experiences.”

And Clark would have missed out on falling in love with Lois. “Why did you come to Kansas?” he said. “Why did you think Jack could be here?”

Lois dragged in a huge breath. “I don’t have the whole story. There are holes… questions Dad can’t – or won’t – answer.”

“Is that one reason why you came looking for Jack? To find answers?”

She nodded. “Like a story. Except this story was personal.”

Clark waited, wanting to give her the choice to decide how much to tell him.

“I basically grew up in a warzone,” Lois said, her voice hardening. “My parents fought several times every week, and between the fights, there were periods of cold stony silence.”

“I’m so sorry, Lois. That would have been awful.”

“They split up when I was fifteen, and it was better after that. The acrimony was still there, but it was less intense because they only saw each other when they were swapping my sister and me between them like unwanted luggage.”

“You have a sister?” He had assumed she was an only child, like him.

“Yes. Lucy. She’s three years younger than I am. She got away as soon as she could. She lives in Texas with her third husband.”

“Oh, Lois,” he breathed.

“About five months ago, my parents stunned me by announcing they were moving in together and going to try to make it work. I was sceptical. But they did it. They moved in together. And they appeared to be making it work. The three of us went to Texas together to visit Lucy, and our parents remarried. It was the best vacation of my life.”

“And then… your mother found out about Jack?”


“I can imagine that caused a few ripples.”

She laughed, harsh and tight. “A few ripples? More like a tsunami.”

“That bad?”

“My family… we have special skills in making the OK bad and the bad horrendous.”

Clark winced. “I’m sorry, Lois.”

“Mom found a letter from a Jack Mackenzie on Dad’s desk.”

“Your father and Jack are in contact?”

“I don’t think so. There’s an agency in Metropolis that helps adopted kids and their birth parents find each other if that’s what they want.”

“Jack was adopted?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know anything about his mother or what she did after he was born.”

“How did your father get a letter from Jack?”

“After Mom found the letter, Dad admitted to an affair but denied there was ever a child. I went to the agency and said I was researching a story about reuniting families and asked about their system. Anyone can register details with them – date of birth, hospital, names. When the details match, they offer both parties the chance to write a letter of introduction and send it to the agency. The letters can be forwarded on if both agree.”

“Does that mean your father registered his details? He was interested in finding his son?”

“He denied it, but I think he was lying. He could have done it during any one of the times when things were really bad. Maybe he thought Jack was a second chance to have a family.”

“Jack sent his details and they matched?”

Lois nodded. “The letter Mom found was Jack’s introductory letter. Dad claimed the mother was lying and he didn’t know why the agency had sent him the letter.”

“You don’t believe him?” Clark asked gently.

“No.” She swallowed down a sob. “My father lies a lot. He also had multiple affairs.”

“Do you know any more details from the letter? Where Jack lives? His work? His family?”

“No. I didn’t see the letter. I assume Dad – or Mom – destroyed it.”

“Why did you come to Kansas?”

“Whoever destroyed the letter wasn’t careful enough. I snooped around Dad’s office and found the envelope from the agency in the trash can. Inside it was the original envelope from Jack. The postmark was Smallville.”

"But no return address?"

"No. All I had was the postmark."

“When was the letter sent?”


Clark replaced his hand on her shoulder, wanting to soften the coming blow. “I'm sorry, Lois, Jack didn’t come to Smallville until June.”

“I don’t suppose there is another Jack Mackenzie in this area?”

Clark shook his head. “None that I’ve heard of.” He ran his thumb across the ridge of her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Lois.”

"I guess 'Jack Mackenzie' isn't an uncommon name. But wherever he is now, he was in Smallville a few months ago."

"Maybe he came here to post the letter to cover his actual whereabouts."


“Do you know if your father sent a letter to Jack?”

“I doubt it. He’s not the sort of person to write letters. Or take responsibility for his actions.”

“That’s rough on Jack,” Clark said.

“Not as rough as finding your family and then discovering they bring nothing but heartache.”

“Lois, I’m so sorry.”

Clark was still trying to work out how he could hold her without crowding her when Lois stood and patted his shoulder. “We have a chicken house to fix, don’t we?” She offered her hand to haul him up.

“Yep,” he said, taking it, swinging to his feet, and accepting her closure to their conversation. He packed away the remains of their lunch and secured the basket to the back of the ATV, feeling very relieved that he’d asked some questions, got some answers, and not destroyed his friendship with the woman he loved.


The afternoon gave Lois another example of Clark’s wide set of skills as he removed some of the damaged roof of the chicken coop and then replaced it with new timber and tin.

She ‘helped’ although her part was small, and more, she guessed because Clark wanted her company rather than her assistance.

Farming could be lonely, she’d realised.

Particularly for a man who’d worked so closely with his father and was now doing it alone.

They chatted as Clark worked, her asking questions about the job at hand and him answering in his usual straightforward modest way.

The highlight, for Lois anyway, had been when Clark had climbed onto the roof. He’d done it easily, seemingly with little effort, leaving Lois a little breathless.

The breaks in their conversation had given her space to think about Clark’s revelation. His Jack was not her Jack!

In hindsight, it had been too easy. She should have realised.

But she hadn’t been in the mental or emotional state to be thinking clearly.

If she had a brother, he was still out of her reach. And she still had serious doubts about whether finding him would benefit anyone.

But her trip to Smallville had been far from a waste.

She had found Clark, probably the best friend she’d ever had.

She’d found other blessings, too.

Martha. And Bess.

And a whole way of life so entirely different than anything she’d experienced before.

She smiled at Clark as he jumped down from the almost-finished roof.

He smiled back, warming her heart.

“It looks great,” she said.

“It should keep them snug and dry over the winter,” he said.

“What would you like me to do now?” Lois asked.

“Mom has probably returned from Anna’s place. Would you mind seeing if she needs some help with supper?”

“Of course not. I’ll head over there now.”

“Thanks,” he said, his brown eyes warm and soft. “See you soon.”

Lois walked back to the house, her mind full of the memory of Clark – competent, warm, safe, caring, gentle, strong, understanding.

And a farmer who lived in Kansas.

Lois sighed as she stepped up onto the porch.


“Did you check on Bess?” Lois asked as she and Clark finished clearing away their supper. Martha had already gone upstairs, saying she needed a long soak in the bath and an early night.


She detected excitement in his single word reply. “And?”

“Her pins have gone.”

“Excuse me?”

He laughed at her confusion. “Her pins have gone. The ligaments in her hips loosen before she gives birth. Once they’re gone, the calf should be here within twenty-four hours.”

“It’s really close now?” Lois said, feeling ridiculously excited.

He nodded as he finished wiping down the table. “I’m sorry, Lois, but I’m not going to be good company this evening. I’m a week behind with the farm accounts, and I need to get them done before Mom starts worrying about them.”

“That’s OK. I wanted to read more from that green book I found on your shelf.”

“The One Straw Revolution?” Clark said, leading the way into the living room.


He took it from the shelf and gave it to her. “I do the accounts there,” he said, pointing to a small desk in the corner. “You could sit in here and read if you wanted to.”

“Thanks,” she said, taking the book.

“Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee? Something cold?”

“Tea, please.”

Five minutes later, he returned with two cups of tea. Lois took hers, smiled her thanks, and continued reading the first page of the book. Clark sat down at his desk.

Silence settled around them. Silence and peace.

Lois stared at the words but didn’t take in any of the meaning. Since she’d arrived here six days ago, she’d barely thought about the chaos she’d left behind in Metropolis.

Eventually, she was going to have to return to her real life.

But for now… she couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so relaxed.

It felt good.

Really good, actually.


Clark stared at the columns of numbers before him but not one of them registered in his mind that was filled with so much else.


Lois here.

What she’d left behind in Metropolis.

A family dealing with a past affair.

The sudden revelation of a son and a brother.

Someone who had gained Lois’s trust, only to betray her.

Someone Lois had cared about deeply, Clark surmised.

He really couldn’t understand how anyone could have used her, hurt her so badly.

The man had had Lois’s affection, maybe her love, and he’d used her for his own gain, putting her career in jeopardy in the process.

Clark shook his head, unable to comprehend the other man’s motives.



Apples and pears.


How long would she stay?

Could he eke out another couple of days to add to his memory bank?

Jack Mackenzie.

Lois’s family in turmoil.

She said she’d grown up in a warzone.

There was no reason for Lois to stay until Jack returned.

Would she decide to continue her search?

Was there any way he could help her find her brother?


The calf had been in a good position when Clark had looked through Bess’s side earlier.


How Clark missed him.


Was this the beginning of her healing? Was it possible she could regain some of her old happiness?


Was a miracle worker.

He’d enjoyed pizza on the porch with her.

He’d enjoyed the middle-of-the-night meetings with her in the barn.

Truth was, he’d enjoyed every moment he’d spent with her.

She brought light and vitality to a life that had degenerated to little more than existence.

Would she want to be there when Bess calved?

City people sometimes found those things difficult.

But she hadn’t flinched when they’d been working on the steer.


How could he fall in love with her in just a few days?

The room was silent.

Lois and him.

Sharing a room.

Sharing an evening.

How he wished they could share a life.

Farm Boy.

She’d teased him.

It had felt so good. Addictive.

He couldn’t really be in love with her.

Could he?

He was.

He was sure he was.

And he was sure he always would be.
0 74 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Magic And Miracles Lynn S. M. 06/11/24 10:15 PM
At the start of the series, Houdini’s heartbeat helped soothe Clark and thereby helped end his hiccups sooner. But that just seems to have been Clark’s gateway drug… He’s now moved onto the strong stuff of Lois’s heartbeat. And all I can say to that is, “Aw….” smile
12 1,049 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Falling For a Farm Boy (1/16) Darth Michael 06/11/24 08:02 PM
Oooh, so, a totally unpredictable story then!


wave Michael
13 694 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: A Strange Visit (1/1) BlindPassenger 06/11/24 06:42 PM
Yeah sure, I got that much. Just, in light of the last sentence, that made me thinking/I tried to be funny about that...
7 307 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Pull A Rabbit From A Hat Lynn S. M. 06/10/24 09:25 PM
I think that this may be the first almost-literal plot bunny I have come across. wink

In some ways, this part feels like one step back and two steps forward with their relationship. (The step back, of course, being Lois keeping an important secret from Clark.)

I'm looking forward to reading the next part tomorrow.

8 597 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: Travelers (1/1) Darth Michael 06/10/24 07:29 PM
I tried a different approach this time. Better?
Yeah, works better. If you could add an extra line break before starting a new block, that would be best, if you want to optimize smile

Also, isn't, in the LC universe, MP not the substitute for NY, and rather placed somewhere around Delaware?
No, in LnC it's placed in New York. We got various maps of New York, the coast, etc.

Ah, English and its adverbs...must love them...
Just like Lois.
TEMPUS: You could also hate them. Just like Lois.

The society in Time Machine one was, in fact, more of a dystopia
You meet one tribe of cave dwelling cannibals and go straight for "dystopia"...

And regardless of what some people might claim, my life is *not* a sitcom!
RomCom, actually.

Ah, so that was were the "super date in the clouds" took place?
We don't talk about this on the light side of the boards.

I'd definitely say you did quite well!
smile1 oh, and I got an audible subscription, so... thanks, I'm good, actually smile

wave Michael
14 480 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Falling For a Farm Boy (7/16) Female Hawk 06/10/24 12:20 PM
“Can I help you with the chicken house tomorrow?” she asked.

“I would love to have your help.”

“Great.” She stood and for one crazy, heart-pounding moment, Clark thought she was going to bend down and kiss him. She didn’t. She said, “There’s a position vacant at The Daily Planet at present. I could have a word with Perry White on your behalf if you wanted me to.” She turned and walked out the door, then poked her head back around the corner. “But I honestly couldn’t say if that would increase your chances of getting the job or utterly destroy them.”

Then she was gone.

Leaving Clark grappling with the certain knowledge that whether he farmed or whether he worked at The Daily Planet or any other newspaper – it was immaterial.

The only thing that mattered was being with Lois.

Chapter 7

It was just after 7:30 when Lois awoke the next morning. She leapt out of bed and showered in less than five minutes, worried that Clark would have gone without her or that she had delayed him.

She ran down the stairs, still pulling on her sweater.

Clark was at the bench making sandwiches.

“Good morning,” he said, shooting her a full-throttle smile that lit up the room.

“I slept in,” Lois said. “I’m sorry. I hope I haven’t made you late.” She looked around the kitchen. “Where’s Martha?”

“She’s out picking more apples, so they’ll have plenty to do this morning.”

“She hasn’t cancelled Anna?”


“Good,” Lois said. “I was worried she would change her mind.” She nodded to the sandwiches. “Are they for our lunch?”

“Yes. But you’ve been saved from the chicken coop.”

“I have?”

“My neighbour, Wayne Irig, called. One of our steers in the far field has an injured leg.”

“Are you calling a vet?”

“Not yet. I’m going to take a look. And while I’m there, I’ll check the cattle and the fences.”

“Is it OK if I come with you?”

“I’m counting on it.”

His quiet words and accompanying smile sent her spirits soaring. “What do you need me to do?”

“Open and close the gates. That will save a lot of time. And an extra pair of hands could prove very useful, depending on what we find." He paused from packing the sandwiches into a container. "Is that OK?”

“Of course.” Lois cut two slices from Martha’s loaf. “I’ll get some coffee and toast. When do you want to leave? Can I help with lunch?”

“Twenty minutes? Will that give you enough time?”

“Yes, plenty.”

“Lunch is nearly done. Relax and enjoy your breakfast.”

“It’s going to be a quick breakfast,” Lois told him, “Because I want to go and check on Bess before we leave.”

Clark pointed a knife at her, grinning widely. “Better watch out, Lois. You’re turning into a farmer.”

Lois grinned right back and did a pirouette. “I’ve even got the clothes now.”

“I noticed them,” he said. “All they need are a few stains, half a million hayseeds, and a couple of rips from barbed wire and you’ll look like a real farmer.”

They were sharing a smile when Martha walked in. “I’ve left a couple of baskets in the orchard if you wouldn’t mind bringing them in,” she said to Clark.

He nodded. “Lois is coming with me to see to the steer,” he said.

Martha stopped, looked at Clark and said, “You’ll take the truck?”



When Lois had finished breakfast, she bid Martha goodbye and headed to the barn. She was almost at the door when Clark fell into step beside her.

“I figure you’ve already checked Bess this morning?” she said.

“Uh huh.”

They walked through the barn and looked over the fence into the field. Bess was grazing peacefully. “What did Martha mean when she asked if we would go in the truck?” Lois asked. “What is the other option?”

“There isn’t one really,” Clark said.

“Then why ask?”

Clark turned to her. “You’re good, Lane,” he said.

She grinned. “Meaning?”

“Meaning Mom was making sure I didn’t intend taking the ATV.”

“What’s wrong with the ATV?”


“Then why didn’t Martha want us to take it?”

“The truck will be more comfortable for you.”

“Would you take the ATV if I wasn’t going?”



“Because it’s quicker.”

“Can two people ride on the ATV?”


“Then let’s take it.”

Clark led her to a lean-to jutting out from the far side of the barn. “That’s the ATV,” he said.

It was a bit dilapidated and clearly well-used. “The seat looks comfortable enough,” Lois commented. When Clark said nothing, she continued. “Why is this quicker than the truck? Surely the truck can go a lot faster.”

“About fifteen years ago, Dad bought a field from a neighbouring farmer. At the back of our property, there’s a creek. It’s our boundary. If we take the ATV, we go through our fields, cross the creek, continue through some of Wayne Irig’s fields, and to the far field. If we take the truck, we go around by road, which is a lot further.”

“Let’s take the ATV.”

“Lois…” He lifted his hands, looking uneasy.


“You’ll have to hang on to me. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“If we go on the ATV, you might have time to get other work done, and that will help Martha not to worry, won’t it?”

“I guess so.”

“We’ll take the ATV,” Lois said decisively. “If Martha objects, you can tell her I insisted.” Lois put a hand on his chest, just down from his shoulder. "There’s no point wasting time.”

“There’s every point if it makes it more comfortable for you.”

Lois smiled at him. “Remind me one day to tell you about some of the ‘uncomfortable’ situations I’ve gotten into chasing stories.”

“I don’t think I want to know,” he said, sounding terse, but with a dash of humour crinkling his eyes.

“You don’t,” Lois said. “But I think the ATV sounds like fun.”

His eyebrows lifted, but he didn’t comment.

“I’ll go and get my jacket,” she said.

“Good idea,” he said. “And I think ladies usually tie up their hair so it doesn’t get blown around.”

“Thanks,” she said, looking forward to this more every moment. “I’ll be five minutes.”


Clark frowned at the ATV as if it were somehow responsible for Lois’s decision.

Riding on the ATV would be jerky and rough.

He would moderate that.

The ATV would require Lois sitting behind him, closely fitted against his body.

That didn’t seem to bother her.

Clark lifted his shoulders, cast away his shoal of doubts and decided he was going to enjoy the day.

He gave the ATV a quick check over and wheeled it into the yard.

Then he walked slowly back to the house.

His mom’s greatest concern – the anxiety that kept her awake at night and drove so many of her troubled thoughts – was that he would accidentally reveal his strange powers and once people knew, he would not be allowed to continue living and farming in Kansas.

It affected so much of what they did.

They’d given Jack work because Martha knew that farmers compulsively checked out each other’s fields and would notice if Clark achieved more than was possible for one man.

He’d driven the tractor up and down endless rows for three days when he could have ‘slashed’ the grass with a sweep of his vision.

But it would have looked different.

And his mom was terrified that someone would find it unusual enough to ask questions.

He could have flown to the far field… but Martha would worry that someone might notice he was there without a vehicle. So, he had to drive – by ATV or truck – and with Lois coming, Martha didn’t want them to use the ATV.

Not because she thought Lois would get hurt.

She knew he would deal with any danger that presented itself.

But that might reveal enough to start a domino effect that would, eventually, lead to Martha losing her son.

Clark tuned in his hearing.

“I want to go on the ATV,” Lois was saying. “Clark is already too busy. If we go in the truck, it will take time that could be used doing the chicken house.”

Clark allowed himself a small grin but stifled it quickly as he entered the kitchen. He went directly to the picnic basket, lifted its lid, and checked the contents. He added a couple of apples from the basket he’d brought in and smiled at both women.

Lois smiled back, looking happy and carefree.

Martha wasn’t smiling, and there was a clear message in her eyes: Be careful!

He nodded. “Ready?” he asked Lois.


Clark kissed his mom’s cheek and picked up their lunch. “Have a great day with Anna,” he said.

“Don’t do anything silly,” Martha said.

“We won’t,” he promised, with another look to reassure her that he understood her warning.

Then, Clark walked out into the sunshine with Lois by his side.


Martha watched them for a second, then turned away from the window. She slid into a chair and rested her forearms on the table that had been a wedding present from her parents.

How many hours had she and Jonathan spent at this table? How many conversations? How much laughter? How many plans made? Meals eaten? Friends hosted?

From the sea of memories, one rose now. Martha had sat here with Anna a few months before she and Jonathan had found Clark. Jonathan had taken Anna’s two young sons to see a new baler. Anna had told Martha she was expecting again. Martha had been delighted for Anna and Tom, but her own longing for a child had bubbled up, and Anna had held her as she’d poured out her heartache.

In Smallville, where everyone knew everyone else’s business, Martha had discovered that Anna might pass on detailed information about the Kents’ new baler, but she could be trusted absolutely to keep a confidence of a more personal nature.

As it turned out, Martha had had a new baby in her home before Anna did. Clark had become a regular at this table, and Martha’s world had been complete.

Until last year…

When that world had shattered. Fear had taken a foothold, and she had been powerless to stand against it. She knew it had affected Clark in so many different ways and that had added a debilitating layer of guilt to her grief. But Jonathan had been her strength and her stability, and without him, she’d been incapable of resisting the onslaught of anxiety.

She’d overreacted about the ATV. They were dangerous, but, unlike most moms, it wasn’t the chance of a collision or a rollover that fed her fears, but the chance that Clark would use his phenomenal strength to ensure Lois was safe. She knew that if the choice came – Lois’s safety or the protection of his secret – Clark wouldn’t hesitate.

Because her son was in love with Lois.

And Lois was Lois Lane, city girl, career woman, and The Daily Planet’s top investigative reporter.


When Lois and Clark reached the ATV, he secured the basket on the back. “If it’s too uncomfortable, you can change your mind," he said.

“OK.” She seemed happy this morning. He wondered if it were the new clothes. Or the time away from the farm relaxing with Martha. Or maybe farm life had worked its charm, making Metropolis and all its troubles seem far away.

Clark straddled the ATV and stood as far forward as he could. He offered one hand to Lois. She took it and clambered on behind him. “Ready?” he asked.


He sat down, and Lois’s arms came around his waist. “Hold on,” he said.

Her arms tightened. He started the motor and headed for the first field. He kept the pace slow as they approached and rode through the orchard. He stopped when they reached the first gate. Lois was off the ATV before he could say anything. She opened the gate and stood waiting for him, grinning.

“Thank you,” he said as he passed her.

He turned to watch her shut the gate. “Are you sure the ATV’s OK?” he asked as she walked towards him. “Not too uncomfortable?”

“How could I know with you going so slowly?” she asked. Then she grinned at him, flip-flopping his heart in his chest.

“You’d like me to go a little faster?” he asked, trying to curb his grin.

She nodded, slipped in behind him, and her arms circled his waist again.

They rode across four fields and through four gates, and each time, Lois jumped from the ATV to open the gate, giving him a wide smile as he passed her.

It was a little taste of the dream Clark had nurtured since he was a small boy. Except it was better than his imaginings. He’d never had the audacity to dream he could be with someone like Lois.

They reached the boundary of their property and came to the creek with an old and rickety bridge crossing the water.

Clark stopped the motor, and they both dismounted from the ATV. Lois slowly spun around, taking in the creek, the soft green grass, and the large oak tree beginning to shed its leaves to form the first layer of a crunchy carpet.

“Clark,” she said. “What a beautiful place!”

Clark unfastened the picnic basket. “I thought we could have our lunch here on the way back.”

“Perfect,” she said, grinning.

He took out two bottles of lemonade, tied them together and put them in the creek, tethering them to a post positioned for exactly that purpose. He stowed the basket under the tree. Lois was looking dubiously at the bridge. “Is that going to take all the weight?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said, knowing it wouldn’t have to. “But if you’re not sure, you can walk across.”

She contemplated the bridge again.

“I’ll go first,” Clark said. “If it can hold the ATV and me, it’s not going to collapse under your weight.”


Clark rode across, not using any extra help. The bridge creaked a little, but it held fine, as he knew it would.

Lois jogged over the bridge and got back on the ATV. “How much further?” she said.

“About the same distance through Wayne’s fields.”

Her arms encircled him, and Clark set off.

Twenty minutes later, they reached the end of the Irig property and arrived at the boundary of the far field.

Once through the gate, Lois looked around. “Wow,” she said. “I love all those trees.”

“It’s a great field,” Clark agreed. “It was a good decision of Dad’s to buy it, even though it’s away from the rest of our farm.”

In the distance, Clark could see the steers. As Lois remounted the ATV, he said, “We’ll have to go slow, Miss Speed Queen. Best for everyone if the cattle stay calm.”

“OK,” she agreed. “This is fun, Clark. Thanks for letting me come.”

“It’s great having you along,” he said, wondering if she had any idea just how much he was enjoying her company. He rode to the yards and quickly checked their condition. He stopped at the main gate and turned off the motor.

“Do you want the gate open?” Lois asked.

“Yes,” he said as he dismounted. He swung the large gate. “I am going to bring them all in. If I try to separate one, he’ll get twitchy. Once they’re in here, I’ll be able to assess if there’s a problem.”

“What should I do?”

“Could you stay here?” he asked. “Stand well behind the gate. As they approach, stand really still. Once they’re all inside the yards, shut the gate behind them.”

Lois stood behind the open gate. “Here?” she called.

“Yep. I’ll put out some feed, then I’ll go and get them.”

He went to the small haystack tucked under a makeshift roof, took down a bale of alfalfa hay, and spread it on the ground in easy sight of the steers. A couple of the more intelligent ones had already started making for the yards.

As he walked past Lois, he said, “Whatever happens, stay right there.”

She waved in acknowledgement, and Clark mounted the ATV and rode slowly towards the steers.

He saw the steer with the gashed leg very quickly. He had a blood stain down his back leg and was limping. Clark went around behind them and eased them towards the yards. Seeing the alfalfa, a few began to trot, and the rest followed.

Clark rode into the yards. Lois shut the gate and came over to him. “That was easy,” she said.

“I bring them into the yards regularly,” Clark told her. “So when I need to work with them, it’s not too difficult.”

“I saw the one with blood on his leg. It looked pretty bad.”

“It might not be as bad as it looks.”

“What are you going to do?”

“After they’ve finished this hay, I’ll put some in the smaller yard. Then I’ll take them through the chute and have a better look at the leg.”

Lois’s expression indicated she didn’t really understand. “What can I do?”

“See the shed over there?” he said, pointing to the edge of the yards.

“Uh huh.”

“There’s a medical box in there. I’ll need a syringe, needle, lignocaine, sewing needle, thread, scissors, and the antiseptic spray. It’s all labelled.”

“He’s going to need stitching?” she said, looking aghast.

“I think so. I got a closer look when I was bringing him in.”

“Don’t vets do that sort of thing?”

Clark smiled. “Yes, they do. But so do farmers.”

“OK. You need syringe, needle, thread, sewing needle, lignocaine, scissors, and antiseptic spray?” she said, counting them off on her fingers.

“I told you you’d make a great farmer,” he said.

She grinned at that, and Clark watched as Lois walked away.

She was totally wonderful. He enjoyed her company, revelled in her smile, and was constantly surprised by her reaction to new and unfamiliar things.

Under his breezy compliments about being a great farmer, there was honest admiration at how easily she’d adjusted to a completely foreign environment.

It was easy to understand how she had become such a successful reporter. She probably went places, did things, followed people where her safely wasn’t assured.

Clark frowned. The thought of Lois being hurt felt like a solid block of concrete settling in his gut.

He left the ATV and walked into the next section to put out more hay. The steers followed. He shut the gate behind them and then opened the chute and put more hay at the end.

The leader steers walked into the chute, knowing the routine. A few followed including the injured one. With a quick glance to the shed to ensure Lois wasn’t watching, Clark moved extra fast to slip three steel bars in front of the steer and then three behind him, caging him in.

He looped the rope around the steer’s hock, pulled his leg back and tied the rope to the chute. He looked through the blood at the gash. It was long, not too deep, not infected.

After opening the front of the chute to let out the other steers, he got a bucket of water and a clean cloth. Lois arrived just as he’d finished washing the area.

“Poor boy,” she said, looking at the leg.

“It’s not too bad,” Clark said. “He probably got it caught on a sharp branch.” He looked up from where he was squatting next to the chute. “How do you feel about being a vet nurse?”

“Happy to help,” she said.

Clark wondered if there was anything he could suggest that would cause her to baulk. He drew up the lignocaine and injected some above the gash. The steer shuffled, trying to kick, but was securely tied. Clark injected in three other spots around the wound.

“Local anaesthetic?” Lois guessed.

“Yep. We’ll give him a few minutes, then we’ll sew him up.”

“Can I give him more of the food?”

“It’s alfalfa hay,” Clark said. “And yes, that’ll keep him occupied. Walk quietly to the edge and pick up some. The steers won’t take any notice of you.” She went to the scattered bale, walking directly between two steers without any sign of apprehension. He watched, glasses lowered, ready to shoot heat at any steer that threatened Lois’s safety.

None did. She picked up a couple of flakes and brought them back.

“He’s going to love you,” Clark said.

“He deserves a treat,” Lois said. “Poor boy.” She dropped the hay over the bar and the steer started munching on it.

“Thanks,” Clark said.

“You’re welcome. Why is he called a steer? Why not a cow?”

“Cows are female. Bulls are male. Steers are castrated males.”

“Oh. Why is he castrated?”

“Because it makes them calmer, less likely to fight and damage each other, less likely to go through fences, and safer for humans to work with them. And they can be in the same field with young cows – females – who are not ready to be bred.”

She motioned her arm in the direction of the herd. “Are they all steers?”


“Did the vet do it?”


“Eww,” she said, puckering up her nose.

Clark laughed. “Nothing like that today. Just a few stitches.”

“How many?”

Clark considered the gash. “Five or six.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Cut the thread. His leg is tied pretty tight, but don’t let your hands get between him and the bars. You don’t want to be crushed,” he said, knowing he would not allow that to happen.


Clark threaded the needle, muttered a few calming words to the steer and began to stitch.
0 80 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: How To Escape A Straightjacket bakasi 06/10/24 05:57 AM
Sorry about putting you through the WHAM. There's a bit more ahead, but it should be worth it in the long run. Thank you so much for reading.
12 853 Read More
Lois & Clark Jump to new posts
Re: Season 3 Rewatch: Episode 9 - Super Mann Darth Michael 06/09/24 10:09 AM
CLARK: You’re much better looking than Lisa Rockford. (After they all look at an underwear shot of Lisa Rockford)
LOIS: See how well trained I have him already?

LOIS: Is there any language you don’t know?
CLARK: Sometimes I have trouble understanding you.

Superman tells Lois not to do anything until he gets back.
Dr. Klein: It’s almost as if they were married.

Episode starts with a flashback to May 7th, 1993, set during 1x03 Neverending Battle

The plot centers on a Nazi trio, preserved in suspended animation since 1943 underneath Metropolis. They are established with American famous people cover identities:
Hank West, a Country Western star
Lisa Rockford, a super model / underwear model
Steve Law, a football quarterback for the Metropolis Tigers
The program is called Operation Götterdämmerung. Why the Nazis decided on an apocalyptic name for a rebirth scenario, no one know.

The Nazi also sent 1000 20 y/o to the US in 1943 to work undercover, and establish the basis for a resurgence to power. They include Senator Truman Black and William Stockdale (age 70) who gets shot by his comrades when he decides to call it quits.

The undercover Nazis have recruited younger people to the cause, such as a police detective in his early 50s and Skip Wallace, a very junior reporter in the Daily Planet classifieds. It is unclear if Skip joins up after the reveal or was already a member before.

The Nazis want to establish what they call the New Reich by blackmailing the US government with the impending nuclear destruction of Metropolis, Washington DC and Los Angeles and require that control of major enterprises is handed over to Nazi members.

The Nazi plan to irradiate Superman, making sure he’s not interfering with their plans because he’d be a threat. Superman uses the sun to extract the radioactive particles by use of smience. It also mentions that it takes hours for Superman to get to the sun and back, but in All Shook Up, he only can hold his breath for 20 Minutes. Superman does not wear an oxygen mask. It is not detailed why, in the event of upcoming national domination and the impending doom for three major cities, Superman wouldn’t still speed-crash the party and be out of there in minutes. There’s not enough civilians around to harm him and a few dead Nazis or handing over control should be a non-issue, even to a life-respecting superhero.

Lisa Rockford tries to blow up Lois and Clark with an RPG and when she’s caught by Superman, she takes a cyanide pill.

The bomb used on Superman was hidden in a mine shaft in Westminster County, about five miles from downtown Metropolis. When it explodes, the Daily Planet still feels about a Mag 3 earthquake.

Hank West loses his faith in the plan and is shot by his fellow leader Steve Law.

Perry has known Truman Black since Perry was in his early twenties, which means he met the man when he was in his mid-thirties. Was he at the paper first?

The National Intelligence Agency is first mentioned. Lois and Clark did a recent expose on some scandal involving the NIA.

Lois is getting all tropey about the wedding. Wedding dresses. Wedding prep.

Lois likes the attention Hank West gives her when he visits the Planet.

When Lois realizes her own mortality after the RPG, she and Clark start to get hot and heavy. It might have nixed Clark’s very patient man status if not for another Jimmy Interruptus.

Perry gets the first call from Alice’s divorce lawyer. His mood is particularly bad and he lets it out on his employees.

Plot Bunny:
Bill Church is also part of the undercover Nazi and Intergang a front to establish the New Reich. When Lisa Rockford wakes up, she marries Bill Church instead of Mindy. It’s unclear if that’s because she wants to wrestle control over Intergang from a faltering Bill Church, to consolidate power against her fellow Reichführer or simply because it’s convenient / a shared appreciation of goosestepping. Lex Luthor establishes his criminal empire after he learns from disgraces British spy Nigel St. John about the Nazi threat. Both parties see Superman as a nuisance interfering with their plans for domination.

wave Michael
1 93 Read More
Fanfic Challenge Jump to new posts
Re: FDK Scavenger Hunt: June 2024 Queen of the Capes 06/07/24 07:03 PM
Oooh! Yep, better move it over, Darth! But don't worry; you'll still count as First Entry.
7 361 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: Then and Now (1/1) BlindPassenger 06/07/24 12:44 PM
Well, that was...interesting.
So first, as for the chronology: Cat seems to know in this both Lois is Jordan's mom as well that Superman is his dad. So since she found out this stuff in BEst of Timems, tis would mean "then and Now" must be post-TBOT to make sense.
OK, So Jordan's lack of hearing is, apparently, something he has for longer. MAybe always, or at least it's not a recent deal/something that happened during heroic antics.
I can only imagine how much of a challenge trying to be a superhero as a deaf-mute person would be. The communicative aspect alone. And then, how it would be so much harder to maintain a working secret identity. Like that's a huge giveaway.
Really wondering what caused it too.
Also, there's more implications that something's seriously wrong with Jordan and Clark's relationship. Somehow I don't see Clark being the type of dad who'd be a jerk to his son because of a disability, so I doubt that's the issue here. I must say I'm pretty clueless what could have gone wrong... Hope we'll find out eventually.
The Jordan/Cat pairing is still kinda wierd to think about..but I assume that's part of the fun.
Anyway, continnuing to like this series. Personally, the Tundra one keeps me a little more intrigued, but I love them both, so regardless of which you'l continue next, I'll be here for it.
3 260 Read More
Fanfic Related Jump to new posts
Re: Newbie looking for fic, real desperate ;) Kathryn84 06/06/24 01:23 PM
I was about to suggest the same story as Blind Passenger. I’m pretty sure it is the one you are looking for.

Have fun reading and welcome to the Boards 🙂
2 154 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: Comments -- Imbalance Part 66 jacalynsue 06/06/24 12:15 AM
I checked in to se if this ever did get updated. I still peek at it now and again. :-) Even unfinished, I enjoy it.
10 378 Read More
Fanfic Related Jump to new posts
Re: In Memoriam: Julie Mack 😢 jacalynsue 06/06/24 12:07 AM
Oh, no. Cancer is so bad. I am so sorry to hear this about Julie. May those who knew her best find comfort in memories of better times. Thank you for letting us know.
2 763 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Falling For a Farm Boy (5/16) Female Hawk 06/05/24 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Songbird
... They really are good for each other.
That is probably the crux of the story. Despite some challenges, Lois and Clark are exactly what the other needs.

Hi Ultra Woman! Thanks for reading and leaving FDK. Re Clark forgetting to take care of himself - exactly, that's why he needs Lois!

Nick Some really interesting thoughts here. Firstly, Jonathan died because I wanted Clark tied even closer to the farm. Clark left to go to college and also travelled a bit, so J&M can run the farm without him. But Martha can't by herself.

Though it apparently isn't the whole reason for his different carreer choice here, since he apparently already was into the farming even before his dad died, so the timeline seems to be different/there seem to be more changes going on there.

As a farmer, it kind of irked me how easily Clark left the farm in TNAOS. He must have been one of the kids who didn't fall in love with farming. This Clark is one of the kids who loved it. He is balanced enough to consider other options, but when the choice came, he chose to farm. Then Lois came along...

I am so pleased you got the implication of Jonathan caring for small helpless critters!

Your theory about Jack is brilliant! That's all I'm willing to say at this stage, other than if that's not where I'm going, you should write that story.

Thanks for your FDK, Nick.

Hi Amy. It's great to know you're reading. We'll get to a happy ending.

Thanks for the FDK!!

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Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Falling For a Farm Boy (3/16) Female Hawk 06/05/24 10:56 PM
Morgana Thanks for the feedback, Morgana. Glad you're enjoying the ride.
6 375 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
Re: FDK: Walk the Dog Challenge: Pepper (Streaky’s) Story Darth Michael 06/05/24 07:06 PM

wave Michael
7 273 Read More
Lois & Clark Fanfic
FDK: Lois and Clark and the Early Anniversary by Carol M bakasi 06/05/24 02:02 PM
Hi there. I found this story via the FDK scavenger hunt we we are doing.

Lois and Clark and the Early Anniversary

Originally Posted by CarolM
Technically, their first anniversary wasn't for a time yet, but Lois had insisted that they celebrate early. There was a big convention on their anniversary weekend and they weren't going to be able to do anything special. They weren't even sure that Perry was going to let both of them go. They had decided that they needed two anniversaries every year — once for the night at the hotel (they were going to go back later, closer to their anniversary and do things right) and once for the day they'd found out and Lois wanted him to jump out of the window for his social security benefits! He planned on flying her somewhere for that anniversary.

I thought it was cute that LnC set up rules for celebrating their anniversary, such as Clark not using his powers.
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