Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Toomi8 Season 3 Rewatch: Episode 3 - Contact - 03/04/24 03:35 AM
Lois is abducted by aliens... or is she? Suddenly she's willfully placing herself in more danger than usual, distracting Superman from various rescues. Are the aliens behind this sudden coincidence?

-Favourite scene
-Favourite quote
-Fanfic recommendations
-Plot bunnies to release

Next episode will be March 16th!
I really like this episode (aside from the ending....)

I feel like the whole "abduction" could have been scarier though. It was pretty creepy at the time...but I remember when Scully got abducted on The X Files and that terrified me.

Favourite scene:
Lois meeting Starr. Actually, all scenes with Starr, she stole all the scenes. I really liked her.

Favourite quote:

Jonathon: I hate alarm clocks.
Martha: It's the phone, Jonathan.

Clark: That's what makes it so difficult. When I'm catching some bad guy, I'm thinking, is Lois okay? Or is somebody slowly boiling her in oil?

Plot Bunnies:
Clark pondering why he is so darn attracted to Bob Fences secretary.

Lois giving Clark a piece of her mind for breaking up with her (I'm sure this has been done?).

Starr using her abilities to figure out CK=S

A prequel...what was the whole airport luggage theft thing about? Did they say?

Lois getting her hair cut rotflol
Fic Recommendations:
Platonic by Sue S.

LOIS: Look, okay, I admit, ever since I figured out... you know... maybe I've taken a few more chances because I always know you'll be there.

LOIS: It scares me to commit to a relationship for life.

Clark (under hypnosis) : Fences’ secretary had the most beautiful body in the world. Next to Lois.

PERRY (to Lois): Now, I don't know what it was, but I do know you, and you wouldn't lie... at least to me... most of the time....

STAR: If you’re willing to risk your life for work, why not risk it for love.

Lois got her haircut.
Lois confirms she’s Libra.
Lois gives her address as 1058 Carter Avenue. This differs from the house number 320 in Episode 2x21.

Star is moving into the ground floor apartment in Lois’s building.
Star uses hypnosis on both Lois and Clark to uncover memories.

Lois and Clark did a story on luggage theft at the airport.
Lois getting kidnapped by aliens is a running joke in the episode.
Lois was kidnapped and put under posthypnotic suggestion, so she puts her in danger as a distraction.
Lois decides she is ready to say yes to the marriage thing.
Clark freaks out about Lois being in danger by her proximity to Superman.
Clark breaks up with Lois so people won’t use her to get to Superman. And then he immediately takes off on a rescue.

Robert ‘Bob’ Fences, a Bill Gates Persiflage and his company Nanoware.

wave Michael
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